“So, the men in your family fall in love in the hospital.”
I throw back my head, laughing. “It appears so.”
“Remind me not to let our sons out of my sight.”
He chuckles.
“What about our daughters? Mom fell head over heels in love too.”
“Fine, none of our children can date until they’re fifty.”
“I want grandkids.”
“I’ll think on it,” she says before taking a drink of wine. “This is good.”
“Maddie, a friend of the club’s and part owner of Pele’s Palace, taught us a class on wine one night. Some of the brothers laughed and poked fun at those of us who attended, but it was well worth it.”
“You chose well,” she says before putting her hand on top of mine.
I curl my fingers around hers and look into her eyes.
“Nightingale, I’m the luckiest man on the face of this planet.”
“That makes me the luckiest woman because you chose me. I’ve seen the way women eat you up with their eyes.”
“Darling, men devour you with their eyes.”
She blushes bright pink and shakes her head. “No, they don’t, but thank you for saying that.”
“I’m not just saying it, Nightingale. It’s true. You’re stunning.”
“Tell me that in forty years.”
“Oh, I will,” I say before leaning in and capturing her lips with mine.
She leans into me, and I deepen the kiss. Our tongues dance and play. I eat at her mouth before releasing her. We’re both breathing heavily.
“Eat your dinner, Nightingale. You’re going to need your strength,” I growl.
We eat for the next few minutes in companionable silence before our server comes to check on us. Soon, Millie is ready fordessert and boxes. Thankfully, our cabin has a fridge, so we can put the leftovers in there. This may be the first time in history leftovers are safe since none of my siblings is staying with us.
Our family made a game of eating each other’s leftovers. If it was left the next day, something was wrong with it. My brothers and I kept it up in the service and the Kings. Hell, Saber jimmied my lock a few weeks ago and cleaned out my fridge. I came home from a long ass day at work to find my cupboards literally bare. He thought it would be funny to take EVERYTHING.
I had to have the prospects bring me food and refill my fridge and pantry from the compound’s bodega. The bodega was all Queenie’s idea. That’s our nickname for Stormie. Though the Prez calls her Queen. His Queen. Our Queenie. Gambit couldn’t have chosen a better woman to help him lead our club.
Our bachelor brotherhood is fast becoming a family. We have several children with the latest addition. Boomer and Olivia’s twins Rocco and Romeo’s birth late February brought our total to an even dozen.
They are the cutest babies too and already opposite. Rocco is fierce and fussy while Romeo is laid back and loves cuddles.
As we enjoy dessert, I imagine what our children will look like. I have medium brown skin. Our kids may be lighter with her forest green eyes. A few could even inherit her pale blonde hair. I love her dark roots and undertones, or whatever they’re called. I think it’s cute she adds them to her natural blonde hair.
Damn, our kids are going to be gorgeous.
Chapter 26