Page 27 of Wrath's Nightingale

“Really? I’d love to go, if I can get off work.”

“Have you thought about working for Artemis Outreach?”

“Do they have the money for a nurse? I’d love to, but I can’t take much of a pay cut. I still have a few student loans to pay. I insisted on paying for half of my education. I worked two jobs until my final two years in school. I cut down to one part time job during those two final years and took out loans. While I hate the payment, I don’t regret the extra time to study.

“Plus, rent is expensive everywhere and my last few roommates sucked so bad I decided to live alone.”

“What made them bad?”

“One never paid their rent on time and often missed months at a time. I had to cover it to keep a roof over my head. One had hygiene issues. Another wanted to bring the party home every night. And the last was a slob.”

“Define slob.”

“Like their room looked and smelled like a garbage dump, slob.”

“I just leave my socks lying around.”

“Oh, do you now?”

He laughs, “I confess, occasionally my boxers too.”

“You wear them?”

“My ma would beat me if I didn't wear drawers.”

We wound through the hills and trees. Stopping by a large red barn to unload the horses and bikes. The bikes are unloaded into a garage next to the horse barn. After unhitching the trailer, we continue up the road. It winds up through the trees and eventually opens into a village of tree house cabins.

Nestled among the trees are a dozen tiny cabins. They’re all built off the ground with wrap around decks. To the left there’s a central area with a fire pit and a large building.

My phone rings and I look to see Lisa.


“Your cabin is all the way at the end. There’s a pink bow on your railing.”

“Okay, thanks. We’ll come meet you after we unload. Which cabin is yours?

“The first is ours. Your brothers are two doors down from ours.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

I hang up the phone and turn my attention to Wrath.

“Mom says our is the very last cabin. It should have a pink bow on the railing.”

“That’s a cute touch.”

“She’s very thoughtful.”

“From what I’ve seen so far, I agree. She’s a pretty special woman.”

“She is. Lisa’s the best mom a girl could ask for. I’m blessed to have her in my life.”

“She feels the same way. Your parents and I talked a bit the night you went to visit Soldier.”

I feel my cheeks heat. It’s one thing for Lisa to tell me how she feels, but it’s another thing when she tells others. I am blessed to have her in my life. I feel that way. She’s been a Godsend. My little brothers are a huge bonus too. I love those lunk heads.

Wrath parks the SUV. turning it off before coming around and opening my door. He closes it but keeps my hand in his. We walk to the rail with the big pink bow. The cabin is the most secluded of all those I’ve seen. The trees hide the cabins from each other.