Page 25 of Wrath's Nightingale

“Ayinger doppelbock it is.”

“I haven’t had German beer since I was in the services,” Wrath says.

After two glasses of doppelbock, I switch to a dark hofbrau. It’s not until I stand up, I feel the effects of the dark beer. I swayon my feet. Luckily for me, Wrath is there. He wraps his arm around my waist.

“I’ve got you, Nightingale.”

Chapter 15


My alarm goes off at four-thirty. I turn it off and go take a quick shower. Millie is still sleeping when I come back. As I gaze upon her sleeping form, my heart swells with love. The mere sight of her brings a smile to my face, and I can’t help but think I’m one lucky son of bitch.

With each breath she takes, her soft, rhythmic breathing fills the room and makes me feel like home. She’s, my home. The day I found her is the day I found my home. A place to call my own. I didn’t realize how much I’d been missing that until Millie came into my life. I was happy with my bachelor life. Happy to screw the dolls and hang-arounds. I didn’t need or want more.

Meeting Millie changed all that. Her blonde hair spills onto her pillow and cascades around her face like a golden halo. My finger itches to reach out and run my fingers through the silken strands.

As I stand there studying her, a mixture of nerves and excitement courses through me.

Yes, I can’t help but worry a little about the carefully planned surprise I have in store for her. It’s a biggie, a life changing one.

Yesterday, I reached out to my parents, siblings, and a few club brothers to involve them in the surprise.

In fact, they’ll be there by now. Everyone but us traveled yesterday. With care, I pack all her belongings while she sleeps. At quarter after five, I lean in and kiss her cheek. Her eyes flutter open. Bright green orbs regard me through sleepy lashes.

“Good morning, Nightingale.”

“Morning,” she says. Her voice husky from sleep.

“We’ve got a big day today?”

“We do?”

I nod.

“You have several surprises in store today starting with....”

Someone pounding on the door interrupts me from telling her about Gatlinburg.

“I’ll get it.”

I run down the stairs and open the door to find Millie’s family waiting on the door with big smiles on their faces.

“Is she up yet?” Brain asks.

“Does she know yet?” Lisa inquires.


“What?” I hear her cry out.

“I’ll be right back,” I say with a laugh and a shake of my head.

I take the stairs two at a time. Millie is out of bed, searching through the dresser I just packed.

“Where are my clothes?”

“I packed everything, but an outfit Lisa picked out for you.”