Page 24 of Wrath's Nightingale

“Perfect. I’m going to call my family and have them meet me there. Besides my blood brothers, a few of my club brothers might be interested. If that’s alright with you?’

“Fine by us,” Brian says with a smile.

“I’ll book the rooms. I know just the place we can all stay. The resort has motocross tracks and horse trails. Plus, we can book in the hotel, or they have cabins of various sizes, including one area that has a dozen cabins close together with a communal kitchen and dining area.”

I pull my wallet out of my back pocket and retrieve my black Amex before sliding it over to Lisa.

“Can you use this to book the area you just spoke about?”

“I sure can,” she says with a smile.

“One more thing I need help with.”

“We’ll do what we can,” Brian says.

“I want to put together a surprise wedding for Millie and me.”

“When did you ask her?” Lisa exclaims.

“I haven’t yet.”

Brian smiles and pats my shoulder. “Do you think you should do that first?”

I shake my head. “I know this is all fast. I want to make a grand enough gesture that she knows this is for life. She’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

“Leave it to me. And let me have your mother’s number,” Lisa says. a determined look in her eyes.

Chapter 14


Ihope Wrath understands, but I need some time alone with my horse. Life seems to come into perspective when I’m with him. It comes into focus when all the small things that are driving me insane seem to fall away. I walk out into the back paddock and whistle.

His white coat shines in the moonlight as he comes trotting toward me. He whinnies when he sees me and picks up his pace. As soon as he reaches me, he nuzzles my neck and I throw my arms around him.

Tears spring to my eyes instantly, and I let them fall. For years, I wondered why Aaron hated me. And he does. He has since we were small children. I can’t recall a time he liked me or even treated me kindly. He’s always been full of vitriol and to make it worse, Felicity encouraged him. She thought it was funny that he picked on me or hit me. She didn’t like me much either and only asked for custody to spite my father.

Aaron never wanted to go with dad. He knew he’d have to toe the line and follow rules. Rules aren’t Aaron’s thing. For that matter, Felicity isn’t great at following them either. She’s an addict and she’ll do just about anything for a hit.

I cry until I’m tired before I lead Soldier into the barn. He follows me with no halter or rope. I stop by the tack room and so does he. He waits patiently while I retrieve tools. When I get back, I start brushing his body.

After a few minutes, he relaxes, closing his eyes and tilting his back hoof. I don’t know how long I spend brushing him andpouring out my heart to him. Soldier is the best listener. By the time I get back to the guest house, Wrath is asleep.

The next morning, Wrath and I head in separate directions. The boys are headed to do who knows what. Dad said something about guy time. Which means they’ll likely end up at Heartland Tattoo under big Tim’s needle.

I dressed in shorts, sandals, and a nice sleeveless top. Lisa and I are heading to Indianapolis, to a spa. We had it planned before. I knew Wrath was coming along and there’s no way I’m canceling our girls’ day. We don’t get enough of them.

After stopping for breakfast, we head straight downtown to the spa. Lisa made the reservations and booked the treatments. I have no idea what treatments she has planned today. First stop, we get a full body massage. I’m a puddle of goo by the time they take me for body polish. I’m scrubbed until my skin is pink with a healthy glow. Waxed for extra measure before getting our nails done and dark roots touched up. I have naturally blonde hair, so I have to add the dark roots and reverse highlights.

We’re there long enough that the spa serves us lunch. By the time we finish, we have just enough time to make it to the Rathskeller to meet the guys for dinner. My heart speeds up when I see Wrath. His killer smile has me melting in my shoes.

We have reservations and are quickly seated. I wait until the server leaves.

“Who’s driving home?” I ask.

“Not you,” Micah laughs.

“Two dark beers and she’s a goner,” Tyler adds.