I spend the next little while thanking everyone before heading to the kitchen. All my pots and pans I’d taken to Effrem’s and the boarding house are back in place. I check the pantry, fridge, and freezer. All restocked.
The next few hours, I go over the stock and scribble notes for my final recipes. Opening day every item I make will include NorthStar cherries with many featuring honey and cherry blossom honey.
Satisfied with my list and extensive plans for tomorrow to get everything ready for the five am opening on festival day, I’m ready to call it a day. I lock up the front and double check everything before heading out back.
Since Effrem drove me, I’ll walk to the police station. He’s on duty for another hour or so. I pull on my jacket and grab mypurse. The cold weather has eased up a bit. It's a balmy forty-nine degrees today.
Festival day, the weather forecast calls for mid-fifties with a light breeze and sunshine. It’ll be a beautiful day. I’m excited about the festival and for being a part of the town. I’m beyond touched by the towns act of kindness.
I turn the lights out and pull the door closed, locking it behind me. I feel something hard stick into my side
“Scream and I’ll shoot you. You might survive, but I’ll make sure your brat doesn’t.”
“What do you want?”
“I want that prenup.”
Wait a minute. I know that voice.
“Shut up. Tell me where the prenup is.”
“It doesn’t matter. The courts already have official copies; you can’t make them all go away.”
“The hell I can’t. Where is it?”
He shoves what I’m guessing is a gun into my side.
“I don’t have it.”
“You better get it.”
“I don’t have access to it. My attorney has it.”
“You’ll call her right now and get it.”
“My phone is in my purse.”
“You reach in real slow and get it. I have an itchy trigger finger.”
With trembling hands, I pull out my phone and bring up Gillian’s number. She picks up on the second ring.
“Gillian, It’s Ruby Buffet. I need to get my copy of the prenup back.”
“Ruby, you don’t have a copy. You have the original.”
“That’s right, could you bring it with you when you come to dinner tonight? Effrem’s been dying to get you to try vegan lasagna with mushroom bolognese.”
“Ruby, are you in danger?”
“Yes, that’s right. Five is perfect. Could you meet me at Settler’s. I need your help with the wine choice.”
“Help is on the way, Ruby.”
I hang up the phone.