Page 71 of Heart of the West

Debbie smiles. “Good to know.”

“Buck, how are you feeling?”

“Other than stir crazy, not bad. What’s this I hear about you seeing someone?”

“Her name’s Ruby Cline. She’s the new bakery owner.”

“The one whose ex tried to burn it down?”

“Yup, he’s sitting in lock-up. Judge won’t let him out. He’s a flight risk.”

“Isn’t that guy like a billionaire? How did you meet his soon to be ex?”

“Pulled her over for speeding her first day in town.”

Buck chuckles. “Only you could turn a speeding ticket into a girlfriend. I never thought you’d find anyone again.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t either. I’ve already talked to Evie. She sent a cardinal.”

Buck looked shocked.

“The kids love her. Clyde’s moved to OSU and has been home twice since break to see her.”

“I’m floored. Speechless.”

I bring up my phone and snap a picture of Buck’s face.

“What was that for?”

“I needed proof that you’re speechless.”

He flips me the bird and chuckles.

“You ready to stick me on desk duty. God, I never thought I’d see the day I’d ask to do paperwork.”

“Has the doc cleared you?”

“For desk duty six hours a day to start.”

“You can start on Monday. It’ll give you time to fully enjoy the festival.”

“The town’s really going all out. There’s pink and white lights all over town and giant light up cherries hanging across the streets like Christmas bells.”

“They must’ve done that after I got here this morning. Town’s been busy.”

“They’re all excited about the festival. You know Wolf Creek loves a good festival.”

“Especially if it’s to help others out.”

“True. Our little town has a big heart.”

I spent the next hour shooting the breeze with my deputy sheriff.

Chapter 44


“How much longer do I have to wear this thing?”