“Cy mentioned it the day I was attacked but I thought no way and wanted to wait for a blood test. Christmas day when the bakery was set on fire and I fainted. They took blood and ran all kinds of tests. One test was to verify what Cyrus knew two days earlier.”
Chapter 37
She’s cute when she’s nervous but I have no idea what she’s rambling about. I caught the fact that we had sex twice and I didn’t use a condom either time. I assume she’s on birth control but never thought to ask. Then again I should’ve asked. What’s that they say about assuming.
I turn her around and cup her face with my hands.
“Spitfire, what are you trying to say?”
“I’m pregnant.”
What?!Okay, that caught me completely off guard. My shock turns into joy. I grab her to me and whirl her around placing another kiss on her lips.
“I’m going to be a dad. At my age.”
I start to chuckle. She looks at me with big eyes.
“You’re not mad?”
“Shocked, surprised, yes. Mad, no. You’ll be an amazing mom. Can we tell the kids?”
She nods her head. I can see she looks a little shocked.
“Yes, of course. Tonight, at or after dinner?”
“Perfect. Let’s get you back and get you warm. Gillian will be here soon. Did you ever get a second opinion?”
She shakes her head. “No. Roger took me to the best fertility specialist. When you start at the top, where do you go?”
“We’ll figure it out.”
Gillian arrived shortly after lunch. We head into my office where we tell Gilly the news. Then Ruby tells her about the tests and what the doctor said.
“Likely another nail in his coffin. I know who to contact to get the information we need. Has he tried to contact you?”
Ruby shakes her head. “I haven’t. Not by phone or email.”
“The break-in and fire. Do you think either of those things is connected to Roger?”
“You do. Don’t you?” I ask.
“Yes.” Gillian responds. “On the other hand, congratulations. This man makes beautiful babies.”
I saw tears run down Ruby’s cheeks but she laughs at Gillian’s comment.
“He does that. I’ve seen the adult version and the pictures on the walls.”
“I can get out the photo albums. If you’d like to see more.” I offer.
“I’d love that,” Ruby replies.”
“Gilli, what have your friends found out?”
“Enough to hang Roger and his father. They’re freezing all their assets as we speak. The next time either try to access their banks or use a credit card it’ll be denied.”