Page 60 of Heart of the West

Effrem pulled the truck to a stop near the front of the bakery. Fire trucks were spraying water on the fire which was licking out the windows of the apartment. As soon as we pulled to a stop we hurried out. One of the firemen spots Effrem and heads toward us.

“Reeves,” the man says.

“Nash. This is Ruby, the bakery’s owner. Ruby, this is Fire Chief Nash.”

“Ma’am," he says, tipping his helmet before turning his attention back to Effrem.

“Fire started upstairs. We’ve contained most of the damage to the top floor but I’m afraid that everything in the apartment is a total loss.”

Life chose that moment to catch up to me. Darkness swam in my vision before claiming me.



I call out her name and catch her before she hits the ground.

“Cy is on duty at the ER.”

“I’ll drive,” Dakota says.

I carry her to the truck. Dalton opens the door for me. I settle us in. He closes the door behind us and hurries to the driver's door. My son impresses me, maneuvering the vehicle like a pro. He pulls to a stop and emergency personnel come rushing out, Cyrus among them.

They get her on the gurney and wheel her inside. I follow them inside.

“What happened?” Cyrus asks. Taking her vitals.

“She passed out. We were outside the bakery with your brother.”



“Is it a total loss?”

“Just the apartment. I don’t know how much damage the bakery sustained.”

“Andy will check in as soon as the fire is contained enough for him to access the damage.”

He turns to the nurses. “Let’s get her into a room and start IV fluids. Draw some blood and run a full panel on it. Have the labs put a rush on it.”

I watch as the nurses move to follow Nash’s orders. He stops me as they wheel her out.

“It’s likely exhaustion, and dehydration. She’s been through a lot the last few days.”

“She has indeed. Add the soon to be nasty divorce on top of that. It’s a wonder she’s still standing at all.”

I hold Ruby’s hand for the next couple of hours while she sleeps and we wait for tests. I’ve never been a fan of hurry up and wait. As I look at her sleeping form I realize she’s worked her way into my heart. I don’t know that I’m in love yet, but I’m headed in that direction.

Chapter 36


New Year’s Eve

The last week has flown by. When I’m not on bed rest Effrem’s let me bake and help cook for the family. Xavier took over most of the cooking and the entire family pitched in.

Chief Nash ruled the fire an arson. There’s an investigation, until it’s done I can’t get the insurance money to fix the smoke and water damage the bakery sustained. My apartment is a total loss as are all my things. Only what I have with me was spared. Thankfully the fire was contained to the apartment.