“No, I can. Thanks.”
Of all the ridiculous things, but he’s the doctor. I take the drugstore pregnancy test and head back to the bathroom. After peeing on the stick I set it on top of the box on the counter and wash my hands. Sure of what the results will be I leave it there and head back into the bathroom.
“It’s on the counter on top of the box.”
Doctor Nash nods his head and heads into the bathroom. I chew on my fingernails waiting. Disappointment sits like a lead balloon in my stomach. I don’t know why. I know I can’t have children. I’ve known for more than a decade.
The doctor comes back into the room. A smile on his face.
“Ruby, who told you, you couldn’t have kids?”
“A doctor about thirteen years ago.”
“Did they say you had a small chance?”
I shake my head. Unsure of why we’re having this conversation.
“They said I was sterile with zero percent chance of ever conceiving.”
“The doctor either needs his medical licenses revoked or he lied to you. You’re pregnant. I’ll draw blood to make sure. It’ll take a few days to get the results since it’s the holidays. Inthe meantime no alcohol and I’ll write you a script for prenatal vitamins.”
I listened to him in shock. I’m pregnant? Is that really possible?
Chapter 34
Christmas morning I’m up before everyone. Ruby’s been quiet the last couple of days but I did convince her to stay in my room so I can keep an eye on her. The kids are taking things in strides. Not one of them has said a word about Ruby sleeping in my room.
The situation makes it seem like our relationship is moving forward at warp speed, but I don’t want her far away from me. She threw up twice more yesterday. Doc Nash says she’ll be fine. He drew some blood work but said he doesn’t think she has a concussion.
Ruby’s been through a lot in a short amount of time. I need to remember that life is headed at her at a hundred miles an hour right now. So far we haven't heard a word from her ex. I’m surprised the divorce was due to be final a few hours ago. She refused to sign the final papers that would make it happen. Gillian is waiting to hear from the courts in Indiana. Not surprised they haven’t responded since it’s the holidays. The divorce will likely drag out into January if not February.
After putting on the coffee pot I check in with Boyd and Jeffries. They’re splitting the day's shift. It’s usually pretty quiet on Christmas. I haven’t had to arrest anyone in a decade. I’m hoping the trend continues.
Last night I told Ruby, I’d handle Christmas breakfast. It’s a tradition. I make sausage gravy, from scratch biscuits, fried potatoes, and scrambled eggs.
My parents, if I know my dad, will arrive around five. My mom swears it’ll be half past nine. My dad is up the same time I am every morning, three. The kids wouldn’t be up until later. I’m shooting for breakfast around nine. Evie’s parents should be here no later than ten.
There’s been no sign of the man that broke into Ruby’s apartment. I drove Ruby to town yesterday after the cookie and candy making. The place was ransacked but she said nothing was taken. It took less than an hour for us to put things back to rights. Afterwards we came home to enjoy a meal cooked by Xavier and she turned in early.
I plug in the Christmas tree and admire the lights while enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day. It’s amazing what a difference a few weeks makes. My world’s been turned on its ear and I couldn’t be happier.
“Merry Christmas, Effrem.”
I look up to see Ruby. She's already dressed in jeans and a soft looking blue sweater. Her feet bear she pads across the floor.
“Want some coffee?”
She smiles and shakes her head.
“Hot chocolate.”
I follow her in the kitchen as she makes hot chocolate using melting chocolate, milk and cream. By the time the hot chocolate is ready and there’s a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” Clyde says.
“I’ll get extra mugs,” Jessi adds.