Page 41 of Heart of the West

I was surprised to see half the decorations were up in their usual spots. Ruby is a miracle worker. Not to mention the house smells amazing. Even Dee would approve.

“Ruby, everything looks wonderful, and thank you for starting the decorations.”

“Dee has it all written in that magic notebook of hers. I used it to place things as I unpacked.”

“Let’s get it knocked out before lunch.” Jessi says.

My parents arrive to a flurry of happy squeals and hugs. Everyone pitches in, the Kings and Ruby taking directions as wedecorate the house for Christmas. All that’s left is to get the tree. Which we’ll go do after lunch.

I help Ruby with the onion burgers. She’s easy to talk to. Clyde comes out with us. I can see he’s taken with Ruby. She has him laughing and I wonder why she’s never had kids. Maybe Roger didn’t want any. I wait until my son is inside to say anything.

“You’re fantastic with kids.”

“Thank you. I always wanted a bunch, but it wasn’t in the cards for me.”

The sadness in her eyes makes me want to take her in my arms and make everything alright. I resist the urge for all of ten seconds before I give her a hug.

“I’m sorry, Ruby.”

She shakes her head. “Not your fault, Effrem. Unless you wish someone you’ve never met to be sterile.”

“Aww, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”

“Did you consider adoption?”

“Roger didn’t want a child that wasn’t biologically his.”

“You could have used a surrogate.”

“I suggested that too. I don’t know why he wouldn’t go for it but he didn’t.”

“You’re not too old to adopt now.”

“You think it's okay as a single parent.”

“Some kids don’t have any parents at all.”

“True. Thank you, Effrem.”

“Anytime you need to talk, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”

Dalton heads outside with two brews in his hand. “How are those burgers coming? You’ve got some starving kids in here.”

I look down at the grill.

“They’re ready to come off. Grab me a platter.”

“I need to go get the last of the cheese rolls from the oven.” Ruby says, sliding past my son.

“Everything alright with her dad?”

“She’s going through a nasty divorce.”

“That sucks. She seems nice.”

“She is. Let’s get these burgers in there before Clyde starts eating the dishes.”

Lunch goes smashingly well and ends with the Kings trying to lure Ruby back to Connecticut to be their personal chef.