“They used to make cookies.”
“I’ll look for the recipes. I can plan and go shopping this afternoon.”
We enjoy breakfast while keeping the conversation light. After we finish eating, I head home while he heads back to the station.
Chapter 18
I head back into the office. Trixie looks at me with a smile on her face.
“Did you have a nice breakfast, Chief?”
“Don’t get any ideas in your head. Everyone is coming here since I can’t make it out east and I gave Dee and Clay two weeks off. They’re on a cruise.”
“No, ideas sheriff. I just thought it was nice you and Ruby went to breakfast. She’s a nice lady.”
“She is. She’s going to help me out at the house while everyone is here.”
“That’s nice of her Chief. You’re in a real pickle.”
“Tell me something, I don’t know, Trixie.”
I didn’t wait for a response. I’m sure she had lots of news I didn’t know. Bless her heart. Trixie likes to gossip almost as much as Sally Anne. Only Trixie has access to all the police scuttlebutt.
With a sigh I settle down in the chair and open up the computer. I have a little time while Ruby packs for the stay. I pull up my contact list and make a few calls while I wait. Twenty minutes later I have a cleaning crew for the ranch and a crew to take care of the bakery.
The town is excited about having a bakery in town again. They’re willing to help to get the doors open. Especially when I explain my predicament and the fact that Ruby is saving my ass. Deputy Aaron Jeffries stuck his head in my door.
“Effrem. Debbie wanted to know if you’re picking up Buck.”
I swore a blue streak. I can’t believe I forgot to pick up Buck.
“Yup, I’m on my way. I need you to escort Ruby to Busted Knuckle.”
That’s the name of my ranch. And I busted several getting it up and running.
“Sure thing, Chief.”
I cringe, but let it go. Trixie is rubbing off on everyone with that damn Chief moniker. I shut down the computer, pick up my keys, and put on my hat.
“I’m going to pick up Buck and get him settled. Then I have to go to the ranch.”
“I’ll hold down the fort, Chief. No worries.”
I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Instead I nod my head in acknowledgement and head out the door. I hurry to the ER center. Once again parking in the reserved spot. I rush inside to the reception desk. They point me down the hall to a room. I find Debbie inside sitting in a chair next to Buck, who’s fast asleep.
“I’m so sorry. Jessi dropped a little bomb that left me reeling.”
“Oh no. Is everything alright?”
“It is. Thanks to a friend bailing me out. I haven’t had time to write you a check for your pay. I’ll get it sent over by tonight.”
Debbie smiles and shakes her head. “No worries, sheriff. I know you’ll get to it as soon as possible.”
I reach into my wallet and pull out two hundred in cash.
“You can start with this. Tillie is home from school, so she can watch him if you need to run errands. I have no idea what his pantry and fridge look like.”