It’s all I can do to hold it together and not completely lose my shit in front of the sheriff and Cece. I’m afraid if I talk, I’ll lose the tenuous control I have on my emotions. By the time we arrive at the barn there’s several more people there including Dustin. I’m so relieved to see him.
He runs over to us.
“Ruby, are you alright? Bobby Ray said you accidentally got the wrong horse.”
I nod then shake my head. “I’m breathing,” I say.
“Let me help you down.”
I nod my head and he helps me off the horse with Effrem’s assistance. Dustin wraps his arms around me. “You’re as pale as a ghost and you’re trembling. What happened?”
The concern in his dark brown eyes is my undoing. Neither my family nor my soon to be ex would give a damn. They’d be too busy scolding me for making a mistake. His appearance and concern were unexpected. I thought he was in the field. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and sobbed.
I can hear Cece explaining over my sobs. No one scolds me for crying in public. Or, for that matter, crying at all. Dustin rubs his hand across the back of my coat in a soothing manner. He murmurs soothing words while Cece talks. I finally pull myself together enough to talk.
“Can you take me home, please?”
“The bakery?” Dustin asks.
I nod. “Yes, I finished it this morning.”
“Let me run grab your purse. If you’re sure you don’t want to rest at the house.”
I shake my head. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. I need to be home. In my own bed. Maybe in a tiny ball with a pint of Mayan Chocolate and a comedy.”
Dustin loosens his hold long enough for Cece to wrap me in a hug.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault.”
“Still, it’s my ranch and I feel responsible.”
“Everyone’s okay.” I lean in closer to her and whisper. “I don’t want anyone to see me lose anymore than I already have.”
I see understanding in her arms. She hugs me one last time.
“I’ll go get your purse. One of the boys will drop your car off later.”
“Thank you, Cece.’
“Thank you, Ruby for, well, being you.”
I nod, feeling my throat thicken, and more tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I know if I talk now I’m going to lose it again. The fear is close to spilling over and causing a whole new crying jag. This one, worse than the last.
Dustin helps me into his big truck. Cece returns a few minutes later with my purse and the box of cookies I had in my car for Dustin. She hands the purse to me and the box to Dustin.
“Ruby made these for you.”
Dustin looked at me. In the warmth of his truck, I relaxed enough to nod.
“Go ahead.”
I watch as he opens the box. His eyes widened.
“Are these what I think they are?”
“Indeed.” I say, a small smile turning up the corners of my mouth.