I can hear Cece yelling behind me. I duck and dodge branches as we race through the trees, hell bent for leather. My heart is thundering as loud as the horses' hooves.
We settled into a comfortable silence. The boy didn’t want to talk. I don’t blame him. I can’t begin to fathom what he’s been through. He’d done a little rodeoing in his younger days. Hell, half the men in the county have. It became more than a hobby for Wilder; it became his reason to live and breathe. Now he has to go through the grieving process while still healing his broken body.
“Do you want me to drop you off at the main house?”
“No. Drop me off at the barn. I want to see that new horse you brought in.”
“Torrent is a beauty. Just needs some love. He had a bad go of it with his last owner. He’s sixteen-one hands high. A bay leopard appy with a large star and a sock on the left hind.”
“Sounds gorgeous and nearly identical to Paxon. He’s one of our newer geldings. Same coloring; only difference is that he has a sock on the left front.”
“Tell Jack I said good luck telling them apart.”
He laughs. “Jack ’s pretty good with them. All we have to do is point out the difference and he’ll know. He’s a good kid.”
“That he is. I’m glad he and his mother had him work for the ranch instead of going to juvie.”
“You didn’t have to give him the option.”
“I’m happy the judge agreed with me.”
I park at the barn and get out with Wilder. Jack comes out to greet us.
“Sheriff Wilder, good to see you. Can I help you with anything?”
“Wilder wants to get a look at the new gelding.”
“I haven’t seen him yet,” Jack says.
“He’s darn near Paxon’s twin, from what Effrem says.”
“I’ll fetch him. Should I saddle him up?
“No, but bring him to the round pen and we’ll work him out,” I say.
Wilder and I head to the round pen. Bobby Ray is exercising a dun colored filly.
“Hey Bobby Ray.”
“Hello Sheriff. Wilder. How are you?”
“I’m good, Bobby Ray. You?”
“Can’t complain. Love my job, dating a new girl. Life’s good.”
Jack comes out of the barn leading Torrent. Only it’s not Torrent.
“Jack, that's Paxon. Torrent is the other bay leopard appy.”
“We have two leopard apps?” Bobby Ray asks.
“Yeah, I brought one in a few days ago.”
“Damn, I had to run out of town. Just got back late last night. Which means I gave the horse to Mrs. Buffet to ride.”
“Shit! How long ago did they leave?”