Page 17 of Heart of the West

With a smile, I turn back around and head to the police station. My heart flutters. I wonder if the sheriff is in today? Stop that. Stop thinking about the sheriff.I enjoy spending time with Dustin, but I think he and I both know it’s headed for friendsville. We enjoy each other’s company but there’s no spark. I mean, I could do him. Not that I’ve done anyone other than my soon to be ex. Oh hells, I need to stop reading romance novels. Why can’t I be in lust with the super hot realtor? I mean, he’s cover model hot and with that long hair has women drooling all over him. I’ve seen it twice now on our dates. Hmm, next date I’ll have to insist on paying half. He said I could decide in one date, but it took two. The first date, I was seriously flattered to be asked out by such a gorgeous man. He’s sweet, kind, and a good kisser. I mean that’s not NO, heat. I remember the spark I had with Roger. It was more than heat even from the start.

Somewhere along the way, we grew apart and he became the spitting image of his father. The man he despised when we first got together. We were high school sweethearts who married and went to the same college together. I had to get my degree to please his parents. Mine never cared about much, least of all me. They were happy to see me married and out of their hair at eighteen.

We’d hoped for kids. When none had come, we both got tested. My heart sinks thinking about that day. The day they told me I was infertile. I’ve always wanted children and he refused to adopt. It’s one of reasons I know Dustin and I can’t be more than friends. He wants children and, while he’s willing to adopt, he’d really like biological children as well. I can’t give him those.

Roger changed that day. His journey to become his father began the moment we left the clinic. He became cold and distant, but I was determined to make it work. He started having affairs. I started secretly squirreling away money. I wasn’t allowed to work outside the house for the first decade of our marriage, soI saved my allowance. I had to spend most of it on clothes to keep up appearances, but I shopped wisely and hit sales, saving up enough for the bakery and to live off of long enough to get it going.

I arrive at the police station, opening the door to find a blonde woman with red and green tipped hair wearing perhaps the ugliest sweater, Christmas or otherwise, I’ve had the misfortune of laying eyes on. She greets me with a warm smile. I return the gesture.

“Welcome to the police station. I’m Trixie. How can I help you?”

“Hi, I’m Ruby, the new bakery owner. I brought a few things for the office.”

“Is that what’s in the rolling cart?”

I smile and nod. “It is. I thought using it would be best in the cold. Plus, I’m not graceful on the best of days, and didn't want to trip and drop the goods.”

Trixie smiles and laughs. “That’s not what I heard.”

“What did you hear?”

“That you’re a good dancer. Dustin’s taken you dancing twice in one week.”

I smile and shake my head. “Word travels fast in small towns.”

“Like wildfire on cotton tinder.”

“Good to know,” I say, bending to retrieve the first box from the cart.

I hand it to Trixie. “Enjoy. There are some fried cherry pies in there made with the McGraws’ cherries.”

“Did you use their honey too?”

“I did. Ellie was kind enough to send me a few this morning in a basket Dutch dropped off. Speaking of, could you tell me where they live? I made up a box for them too.”

“Oh, they’ll love it.”

Trixie gives me easy to follow directions. I can drop the box off on my way to the Broken B. After a few minutes of easyconversation, I stop by Calico Gypsy. The shop's owner is out, so I leave it with the sales associate on duty. The girl promises to put some back for Gypsy who is due back sometime later in the day.

I cross the street at the intersection and walk a few more blocks. I wasn’t expecting cold but I did grow up in Indiana. The weather doesn’t bother me as I cross at the walk and head three more blocks to Whitebear Realty. A pleasant young man greets me.

“Welcome to Whitebear Realty. I’m Cole. How may I be of service today?”

“Hello Cole. I’m looking for Dustin.”

“You and every other single woman in this town," he says with a smile and a wink.

“I’m Ruby Buffett. I have something to drop off for him.”

“Oh, you’re Ruby. I’ve heard good things about you. He’s out at Broken B.”

I smile. “I’m headed there next. Let me leave this with you.” I say, bending to take out another large box filled with baked goods.

Cole takes the box with a smile. “Thank you.”

“I best be on my way. Nice to meet you, Cole.”

“Same, Ruby. Have a great day.”