“We open at seven.”
I gesture for Dustin to follow me outside. We have the fireplaces lit. I grab my jacket. Dustin does the same. I move to stand close to the fireplace.
“Are you and Ruby dating?”
“Shouldn’t you ask her that?”
“I’m asking you man to man. I don’t want to step on any toes.”
“Are you going to admit you’re attracted to her?”
A thousand responses ran through my mind. “Fuck!”
Dustin smiles. “You like her and it’s killing you because you think you’re betraying Evie.”
“Get the fuck out of my head.”
His smile widens. “Am I wrong?”
“No, we’re not dating. I like her. She likes some stubborn jackass.”
“Who? Who does she like?”
“You. She’s been smitten since the moment you pulled her over. Believe me, if she was interested, I’d be all up in that. Instead, we’re becoming friends. And frankly, she’s a wonderful woman who I’m honored to call a friend. Don’t fuck this up, Effrem.”
“I don’t plan to, but I have no idea what I’m doing and I do feel guilty. I feel like I’m cheating on Evie. My God, she’s the only woman I’d ever kissed until Ruby.”
Dustin puts a hand on my shoulder. “I know I was only twenty-one when Evie died, but we all wanted a love like the two of you had. That’s gone and you can’t get it back, but you can have something else. Something different. Will it feel like it didwith Evie? No, and it shouldn’t. Ruby’s a different person. Hell, you’re a different person.”
I took a few moments to process his words. I don’t disagree with anything he’s said so far.
“I can’t find fault with your words. Truth is the two of you are closer in age. Maybe I should just leave well enough alone.”
“Don’t you dare. Most of us never meet the love of their life. You had that and now this amazing woman has dropped into your lap. Don’t be that guy. Don’t thumb your nose at the universe when they’ve just delivered you a gift. Who knows where it will go, but take a chance.”
“I’ll take it all under consideration. Damn, it’s going to be a long two weeks.”
Dustin thumps me on the back. “Better you than me.”
Chapter 28
I set my alarm for three-thirty this morning. When it goes off, I jump out of bed, take a quick shower, get dressed, and head to the kitchen. First thing I do is put the coffee on and start the dough for rolls. I’m making eggnog and gingerbread cinnamon rolls this morning.
“What smells good this early?
I look up to see Dalton dressed for the day, striding into the kitchen.
“I have coffee ready and rolls coming out in ten minutes.”
“I’ll wait for the protein, but coffee sounds amazing. I know where everything is," he says with a smile.
“I’m cooking breakfast meat next and I’ll have egg casseroles as well. Is everyone else up as early as you?”
“Dad’s already gone. He got called away on an emergency. Clyde is likely to sleep until around seven or eight. I have no idea what Jessi or the Kings are like. Are you always up this early?”