Page 43 of Heart of the West

I help her up before getting up myself and taking the reins. Clyde is driving the sled. Jessi and Dalton get the King’s settle and we’re off. The air is crisp. Fat snowflakes continue to fall as we traverse through the pasture and into the woods.

“Effrem, it’s beautiful out here. How do you ever leave it?”

I smile. “It’s tough some days. God sure did a fine job creating this part of the country.”

She nods and smiles. “I agree. I’m so thankful I found the bakery here. Even in town, it’s better than being in the big city. I love that people stop by and introduce themselves daily, even though I’m not open. It makes me feel welcome.”

“You are welcome here, Ruby. The town is glad to have you, and so am I.”

I glance at her to see her reaction. Her cheeks color a pretty pink.

“Thank you, Effrem.”

“No need to thank me for telling the truth. Say, I almost forgot to tell you we have one more for dinner tonight. A friend of mine is coming and I want you to meet her.”

“I made extra just in case someone was extra hungry. I’ve got her covered.”

“You’re the bomb.”

“I think that’s the GOAT, now.”

I hear Jessi snigger. “She’s got you there, Dad.”

“Are you listening in?”

“Hard not too. We’re all in the same vehicle.”

“Remind me to hop all your kids up on sugar before I send them home.”


I heard masculine chuckles and turned my head to see Dalton, Kai, and Xavier laughing. Jessi swats Kai on the arm.

“Hey, they might be your kids too, ya know.”

The young man smiles and I turn my attention back on the path ahead.


The ride through Effrem’s property is breathtaking. I fell in love with it immediately. His family has embraced me as if I’m one of their own or dating their dad. I’m only here to help facilitate the holiday. They are fun to be around though, and it makes me realize what I missed out on by staying with Roger so long.

What can I say I’m not a quitter? Honestly, part of it was I was determined to make one marriage work. My mom’s had five and dad is on number three. Each marriage seems more miserable than the last.

The ride takes about thirty minutes. We all get down from the wagon and Effrem tells Jessi to pick the tree. A Bass family tradition, Jessi picks out the tree every year and the men cut itdown and bring it back. Everyone decorates after dinner. I made eggnog for the occasion.

In hindsight, I realize I made the holiday alcohol heavy, or at least alcohol available. So far, everyone’s enjoyed a glass of sangria or a bottle of wine. No one’s throwing drama or causing shade. It’s a refresher from the holidays with my family or with the Buffets.

“First we make snow angels.” Jessi declares dropping to the ground and beginning to make her angel.

I laugh and join her. It’s cold but fun as I move my arms and legs making her skirt and sleeves.

“Don’t forget your halo.” Jessi says popping up.

I watch her with envy before I sit up. I’ll have to get on my hands and knees before I stand up. Dalton surprises me by stepping carefully to the edge of my angel and offering his hand. I take it and he hauls me to my feet.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”