I don’t know how long I toss and turn before I give up and head to the bathroom. Maybe a hot shower will help. I was surprised to find the bathroom not only had a separate tub and shower. The shower was a little larger than the normal walk in and it had multiple heads. I turn them all on and let the water get hot. While I wait for the water to warm I pull out two fresh towels and place them on the vanity beside the shower. One towel for my hair. One for my body. I step beneath the water and let the emotions pour out of me while the hot water runs over me. I feel alone. Not an unfamiliar feeling. Being in a marriage with Roger for twenty years, I felt alone a lot. But today, at this moment, it feels overwhelming. I could have lost my life today or been seriously injured. Add to the definitive end of my budding romance with Dustin. It wouldn’t have been a big deal without the other event.
I was absolutely terrified those few minutes during Torrent’s rampage. I’m thankful that neither one of us was hurt. If I had been hurt or worse killed who would have actually given a fuck. I mean, everyone in town is nice but they don't know me. Not yet.
I sink to the floor and let the sobs take over.
Chapter 12
I watch Dustin escort Ruby to his truck and I want it to be me. God, what is wrong with me? You’re just concerned. There’s nothing wrong with that. I tell myself. Only I know it’s more. I shake off the feeling and turn the gelding around to find Torrent. Ben, Witt, Cece, and Waylon Bennett join me. We don’t have to search for long. The horse is already heading back to the barn when we find him in an open field. I dismount and walk over to him. Ben tosses me a halter. I put it on the horse, then check his legs for injury.
“Leg’s look good. Looks like he got out of the ordeal without even a scratch.”
I mount back up and we head to the barn while talking.
“Wish we could say the same for Ruby,” Ben says.
“Yeah, she looked as white a sheet,” Waylon adds.
“I’ll drive by and check on her after we get Torrent back to the stable. I was heading into town anyway.”
“What brings you out to the ranch today?” Cece asks.
“I gave Wilder a ride home.”
“Damn, is that boy fighting again?” Ben asks.
“Just like all the other times, Ben. Wilder did not start the fight. He did finish it. He paid his share of damages and he’s free to go.”
“What about the other guy?”
“Guys. There were three. They didn’t want to pay for damages. They get a night’s stay on the house at the office. We’ll see what they have to say tomorrow morning.”
“Effrem, you can’t bend the law to protect him. Even if you’ve known him since the day he was born,” Cece says.
“You know that’s not how I work. There were witnesses that said he didn't start that fight. Judge Holtz would toss those city boys in jail for ninety-days just to be ornery. Wilder would walk away with a pat on the back for defending himself so well against three men when he just got done with physical rehab.”
“That’s true,” Ben agrees. “I just wish he’d settle.”
“That’ll take a while. Take it from someone who lost the love of their life. And make no mistake, that’s what rodeo is or was to Wilder, the love of his life. He’s not just adjusting to his new physical reality. He’s grieving a loss. A deep one.”
“Wise words, my friend,” Ben says.
We arrived back at the barn. I dismount and hand my horse to a stable hand. Normally I’d take care of the horse myself before turning him out in a paddock for a cooldown. He deserves a little leg stretch without a rider. I say my goodbyes and hurry to my truck.
Ben and Cece would find out sooner rather than later about Wilder’s fight. Best they get the correct information up front instead of the grape vine version. While I normally leave it up to Wilder to tell them what happened. In this case, I thought it prudent to tell them myself. I sent a quick text to Wilder to give him a heads up.
They asked
I gave brief info
Call if you need me