Page 89 of Between the Lines

“I love the use of yet in that sentence. Very confidence-inspiring.”

She smiles again. Looks down at me, and at herself. Only inches separating us.

“Aiden,” she murmurs. “What are we doing here?”

My hands tighten against the warm steel. “I don’t know, Chaos. But I know that I like it.”

“We work together.” But her eyes are on mine, and that delicious color is sneaking up her cheeks again. “I need to finish this memoir to impress Vera.”

“Mm-hmm. And I need it in order for the Board to approve my purchase of BingeBox.”

“We both have important things riding on this book.” She’s close enough that I could just lean forward. Fit her lips to mine.

“We do. And we’re also both attracted to one another.”

Her breath whooshes out of her. It feels like it takes an eon for her to agree. “Yes. But it’s nothing more than that.” She shakes her head some more, like she’s trying to clear it. “You and I, we come from different worlds.”

“I know. Nothing serious.”

She dips her head in a nod. “Nothing serious. That’s rule one. The second things get emotional for either of us…”

“We stop?”

She nods again. “Yes. We can’t let it get messy.”

“Sounds perfect.” My mouth hovers only a few inches from hers. There’s an intoxicating air between us, and I want nothing more than to close it. But I also never want this moment to end. “Whatever this is, it won’t affect our working relationship. That’s rule number two.”

“Yes. It can’t stand in the way of the memoir.” Her hands come to lie flat on my chest. I feel their warmth through the fabric of my shirt, and sway into her touch.

“It won’t.” I slide my hands up to her thighs.

“Aiden,” she whispers. I feel her breath against my lips. “Should we write these two rules down, or do you think you can remember them?”

I pause and struggle not to smile. “Do you want me to kiss you or not?”

Her fingers find the collar of my button-down, tightening around the starched flaps to pull me closer. “Kiss me.”

So I do.



I lay awake later that night. It’s not my first time since she moved in.

I stare up at the ceiling. My ears are perked up, like if I just concentrate hard enough, I’ll be able to hear her breathing through two closed doors and a hallway.

We got back late, and said goodbye in the hall with another lingering kiss. It was past midnight and she looked tired. Tired and happy, and I didn’t want to push my luck.

Maybe she’s fast asleep now. Curled up on her side, the shape of a small spoon without a large one to hold her. Maybe she’s awake like I am. Tossing and turning.

But the thought that haunts me? That she might be using the vibrator I now know she travels with.

I see it in my mind’s eye, and can easily picture how she would use it. Slide it between her creamy thighs, fitting it between them, maybe locking them together so that the pulsating head rests firmly against her clit.

How she might bend her legs and nudge it to her entrance. Slowly push it in, her face tightening, her mouth opening in anOat being filled.

Fuck, the image haunts me.