Page 85 of Between the Lines

“They will,” Aiden says. His voice is full of confidence. “And it sounds like a book that would make an excellent documentary series, too.”

Nora’s eyes move back to him. “Indeed it does. Something perfect for BingeBox.”

“If they offer enough,” Aiden shoots back with a wide smile. “Charlotte’s talent is worth the price.”

Across the table, her eyes shift between us, and she smiles, too. “I can see that.”

We leave shortly after. I walk next to Caleb, a few feet behind the other two.

“If you ever need someone to show you around LA,” he says with a small shrug, “I’m around.”

I nudge him. “You sure you have time for that? I get the feeling that you and Nora work pretty hard.”

He rubs a hand along the back of his neck. “We do. Too much, really.”

“I’ve said the same to Aiden. When none of you have to, in reality.” I nudge his shoulder again, and maybe I’m not subtle at all, but I have to try. “You could cash out. Just spend the days surfing, or volunteering, or whatever else you can dream of.”

His lips tip up. “I don’t think you do that.”

“I don’t work as hard as the three of you, that’s for sure. Today, I wrote while lounging by the pool.”

He closes his eyes with a groan. “Okay, that does sound unreal.”

“The life you want is right in front of you,” I say grandly. “But thank you for the offer, truly. Don’t be a stranger.”

“You, too.”

We say bye to the Stone siblings, and Aiden asks for his car. It arrives not even a minute later. He tips the valet driver, and we pull away from Velveteen, past the line of would-be diners that is only marginally shorter now.

“That went well!” I say. I’ve only had mocktails all night, but the ambiance of the place, the food, and the conversation have me feeling tipsy.

“Yeah,” Aiden says. He’s got one hand on the wheel, and he’s driving as fast as the traffic allows. “Caleb was flirting with you all night.”

“And you weren’t flirting with Nora?” I say with a chuckle.

He looks over at me. “What? Of course not.”

“You were talking most of the night. She was flirting with you.”

“She was not. She’s engaged to her longtime partner, who isnota man, by the way. And she’s far too smart to let romance influence this deal.” He shakes his head a little. “It was like talking to a shark for two hours.”

That makes me smile. “Which means, you had a lot of fun.”

He’s quiet for a moment. And then he taps his fingers against the wheel. “Yeah. I did.”

“Caleb wasn’t flirting. He is a shark, too. Just… a different kind, I think.”

“He was interested in you,” Aiden says dryly. “Trust me. I know the look on a man’s face when he sees a pretty woman.”

“Maybe you’re biased,” I say.

He glances at me again, for longer than he should, before returning his focus to the road. “Yes, I am. Which is why I noticed.”

“He asked if we could hang out sometime,” I say thoughtfully.

“He did?” Aiden’s voice sharpens. “And you still think I’m wrong about his flirting?”

“It’s because I asked him if he even has time with all his work, and he agreed that he does work too much. Maybe that means he wants you to come and save him,” I tell Aiden. “Liberate him from his successful company. Help him, Aiden!”