Page 50 of Between the Lines

“It’s me getting to know you better.”

“Right. Well, by all means.”

I look down at my knee and pick at a frayed seam on my jeans. “Why not your own shows? Titan produces so much.”

“Most of it is trash,” he says, so casually. “A few of the critically acclaimed shows are good. The one about the gangsters we produced a few years ago, for instance. I watched that.”

I look at him. “Trash, huh?”

“Don’t quote me on that,” he says, still with that easy amusement on his face. “The shareholders or the Board wouldn’t like it.”

“But it’s how you feel?”

“They’re reality shows. Dating, drinking, all of that. It’s not my favorite part of the business. You don’t strike me as someone who watches them, either.”

I look back down at the gently sloshing amber liquid and the elaborate crystal pattern across the glass. The words feel hard to say. “I don’t watch them, either.”

“What do?—”

A loud signal rings out in the house. Aiden sighs and pushes up from the couch. “Perfect timing,” he mutters and walks through the large archway toward the foyer.

Uncertainty has me frozen in place on the couch. Do I follow? Do I stay?

I hear the door open, and curiosity propels me forward on quiet feet. I have to pass through the archway to get to the stairs leading up to my room anyway. Perfectly legitimate.

“Aiden,” a high, feminine voice says. “I asked Eric, and he said you’d be home.”

“Did he now?” Aiden’s voice is dry.

“I thought I’d stop by,” she says.

I peek through the archway. The woman is beautiful, with long blonde hair and an easy smile. She has a hand on Aiden’s upper arm. “I brought the documents you wanted.”

“Good,” he says. “I’ll fix it for you.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it, as always.” Her voice softens. “You know, the business is doingreallywell.”

“I saw the latest numbers you sent over. They look great.”

“You sure you don’t mind reading the reports? I know you’re busy.”

I’m intruding on something. They’re clearly not just friends, and not a boss and an employee. “Of course not. It’s my job to take care of you.”

I’ve never heard him say that sort of thing before.

The pang beneath my breastbone isn’t just embarrassment. It’s something else, something that feels a lot like sour jealousy. She’s beautiful, he’s handsome; he’s worried about her safety.

I knew he had to be dating or involved with someone.

There’re a few feet of open space for me to pass through, in full view of the two of them, before I make it to the staircase. And they haven’t noticed me yet.

I glance one extra time at the pair, take a deep breath, and then walk briskly past the open archway.

I’m nearly safe when her voice sounds again. “You have a guest?”

“I do,” Aiden says. “And I would have mentioned that if you’d called me instead of Eric.”

“You don’t always answer your phone, but Eric or Elena always do.” The woman’s voice is intrigued now and…damn it.I turn on my heel and quickly smooth out my expression. Seconds later, they’ve both rounded the corner.