“Are you Charlotte Gray?”
“I am, yes.”
“Oh, that’s so cool.” She’s wearing a purple dress and has tight, curly hair. She looks around my age.
“Let me guess?” I ask. “You’re a fan ofThe Gamble.”
She shakes her head. “No. Well, I have seen a few seasons, I’ll admit. But actually, I’m...” She digs into the beach bag slung over her shoulder and pulls out a paperback.
It’s a matte, white book cover with red letters.Going Viral: What Happens after Fifteen Minutes of Fame.Vera and I worked a long time with the graphics department to get the cover just right.
The shadow of the title is made up of tiny images, tiny faces. Each is a moment in time that has gone viral. Little moments—like a fly in amber—even though the person and society have moved on.
“I’m nearly done with this. My cousin recommended it to me, and it’s been the perfect beach read. I keep bothering my brother with the anecdotes.” She laughs a little. “You wouldn’t… Do you mind signing it? I don’t have a pen, actually.”
“Oh, that’s all right,” I say. “Reception probably has one. That’s so cool! Are you enjoying it?”
“Yes. I can’t believe I’m seeing you here now, too.” She shakes her head as we walk over to the reception. “You know, I… I did see the first season. I don’t remember much of it, but I love that you included your own story in the book.”
“Thanks. That means a lot to me.” I mean every single word.
The receptionist hands me a pen, and I sign the first page ofViral.
It’s not the first time I’ve done it. But it’s definitely the first time it happened out in the wild like this, and I can’t get the smile off my face.
The woman thanks me again when I hand the book back to her. “I’m going to have an even better anecdote to bother my brother with now,” she says with a huge smile on her face.
For a brief second, I feel like hugging her. Or maybe crying. “I hope you enjoy your time here.”
“You, too. Thank you again, truly.”
We wave goodbye, and I almost forget the fruit I came in here for. By the time I make it out into the bright Hawaiian sunshine, Aiden has pulled the Jeep over to the side. I hurry to meet him. He probablydidget told off by the valet.
“Hey,” he says, his window still down. There’s a wide smile on his face. “You’re looking awfully happy.”
“Can’t a newly married woman be awfully happy?”
“Ihopeshe is.”
I open the passenger door of the badass Jeep and jump in beside him. “You will never guess what just happened.”
“Tell me.”
I explain the entire story to Aiden in excruciating detail as he starts the drive to the trail.
“She had the book in her bag?”
“In her bag!”
“That’s fucking unreal.” He laughs, and I look at him and his deep tan and messy hair and the smile that’s wide across his face. God, I love him so much. “I can’t believe that just happened. That’s a sign, sweetheart.”
“A sign of what?”
“Of you having a great day. A great month. A fantastic honeymoon, and, honestly, just proof of what a monumental success this book has been.”
I chuckle. “Okay, it’s been a very good, medium-sized success.” I’m happy with howGoing Viralis doing. Very happy, even, for my very first non-fiction book. The topic has garnered more interest than I thought it would.
Vera even booked me on talk shows.