Page 191 of Between the Lines

“My hero!” Mandy says and holds out the book to us. “Could you sign it for me, please, Aiden?”

“You’re ridiculous.”

She laughs and hands the book to Charlotte instead. “You’re right, it’s her autograph I want, anyway. Theactualauthor.”

Charlotte accepts the book from my sister. She turns the hardback over, studying the spine and the elegant cover. The design is nice, I’ll admit that much.

And so is the content of the book. I’ve cut almost nothing of what Charlotte wrote. Even if the idea of people buying it and reading it, making the story their own, is terrifying.

Mom even likes it.

She was the hardest critic. The one I suspected would be most upset by some of the stuff in it. But she liked it.You’re getting your revenge,she’d said.

Mandy and I have agreed not to chase any of the headlines that might come out after this book is released. She made mepromise not to. That we won’t continue trying to clean up the mess he made.

It’s not our mess,she’d said.It never was.

We’d written him a letter together ahead of the book release. Each said our part, and it was a lot of anger. I’d made sure it was delivered there with utmost security—no chance of it getting leaked again.

I don’t know what the future holds for him. Or for us, if there will ever be an us again, a relationship. But for the first time since he was arrested, I’m okay with not knowing.

And now, here we all are, at the release party. It once felt like we’d never reach this day.

“Hi,” I tell Charlotte’s parents and step past her to greet them properly. “Thank you both for coming. It means a lot to us.”

Charlotte’s mother hugs me. “We’re glad to be here. Did you know, we’ve never been to a release party for one of her books before?”


“Never,” she says again and motions for John. “Have we?”

“Nope.” He extends his hand my way. “I read it. Charlie sent me an early copy.”

“She did?”

“Sure did. I didn’t realize… quite how much you’ve overcome.” John shrugs his shoulders. I’ve gotten to know both him and Helen quite well over the past few months.

Charlotte and I have been back to Elmhurst several times.

And each time, I’ve had a few hard conversations with her parents.

I thought they’d be people I’d need to charm and impress. Instead... the relationship has developed into something far more genuine. They’re like Charlotte. Honest, kind, and straight shooters.

They’re people I respect.

“You’ve had some crazy years,” he continues. “I’m sorry about all of it. No child should be held accountable for the sins of their parents.”

It takes me a moment to speak. “Right. Thanks, John. I appreciate that.”

A lot.

He shakes my hand again and smiles at me. “Now let’s get this party started. We’re here to celebrate, after all. To celebrate you!”

“And Charlotte,” I say. “You know this book wouldn’t have happened without her.”

He looks at his daughter. Laughing with Mandy and both of our mothers, with a copy of the book under her arm. She was nervous about her outfit for tonight, but she had nothing to worry about.

Charlotte is stunning. She always is.