Page 205 of Filthy Rich Santas

She pulls in a shaky breath, wiping at her face.

“Did something happen this morning to, um…”

I’m not sure how to ask in a way that won’t be painful for her, but if she knows Kyle’s been a shit for a while now, I’m wondering what changed. What he did to bring things to the point that she’d confess this tome, of all people.

We’ve never been close… although I’d like that to change, if it’s possible.

She looks up at me with a small smile. “Something did happen. Not this morning, but last night.”

I suck in a sharp breath, feeling slightly murderous toward my brother-in-law. “What did he do?”

Her smile gets a little bigger. “Nothing. It was you.”


She squeezes my hand, then lets it go and picks up the mug of eggnog, closing her eyes in appreciation as she takes a drink.

“God, I need this,” she says with a quiet laugh. “Please remind me to thank Meg for adding the rum.”

My heart is thundering in my chest. “Vivian? What did I do?”

She looks me in the eye, her spine getting straighter. “You stood up to Mom and Dad. You were so brave, Lana. It made me realize that I need to start living for myself too. It gave me the courage to admit that my marriageisn’tperfect, and the strength to… to walk away from it.”

My eyes go wide, my throat tight with emotion.

“Oh, Viv. I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this alone. I’m sorry you’ve been going through it at all. What a shit-head!”

That startles a laugh out of her, making me grin too as our eyes meet and a connection I’ve always longed for with her springs into being between us.

It’s not the way I’d have wanted it to happen, but it still warms my heart.

All my life, Vivian has seemed like our parents’ perfect child, but I guess she’s always had problems and fears of her own too. Maybe the two of us are more alike than I ever thought.

She wipes her eyes, taking in a shuddering breath, but looking lighter when she smiles at me again. “I just wanted to thank you for that, but I also owe you an apology.”

“For what?”

“All those things you said to Dad…” She shakes her head, squeezing my hand again. “I’m sorry, Lana. I’ve been so caught up in trying to be perfect that I never realized how much pressure you were under. I should have been there for you more.”

I smile at her. “It sounds like we were all going through our own stuff, but I’m glad you’re here now.”

“Me too,” she says, smiling back.

And when she hugs me, something I can’t remember us doing in… ever, it feels like we’ve mended some bridges.

Which is one of the best Christmas gifts I ever could have asked for.



“I wantedto bring Caleb’s and Lana’s gifts by, but I don’t want to impose,” Vivian murmurs to Grandma Meg when Meg ushers her toward the plush couch nearest the Christmas tree.

“Nonsense,” Meg says, enveloping her in a hug. “The more, the merrier. And your timing couldn’t be more perfect, because I do believe it’s time for presents!”

Oliver cheers, making us all laugh, and seeing how easily Meg welcomes Vivian and my nephew into the fold warms my heart.

This is what family is supposed to be. This is what Christmas is supposed to be.