Page 131 of Filthy Rich Santas

And I don’t want to run anywhere at all.



The men insiston carrying the truly ridiculous number of bags we leave with, and as we step out of the shop, crisp winter air nips at my cheeks and a giddy level of happiness fills me to bursting.

I pull the scarf Beckett made for me tighter around my neck as I take in the picturesque town. The street is bustling with holiday shoppers, but my eyes are immediately drawn to something that makes my heart skip a beat.

“Oh my god,” I gasp, grabbing Ryder’s arm. “Look!”

A beautiful old-fashioned sleigh is parked at the end of the street, two magnificent horses hitched to it. It looks like something straight out of a Christmas card, and I can’t contain my excitement.

Ryder follows my gaze and rolls his eyes, even though I can tell he’s fighting off a smile. “Seriously?”

“Oh, come on,” I plead, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes. “It’ll be fun!”

Tristan chuckles, adjusting his glasses. “I’m with Lana on this one. When was the last time any of us went on a sleigh ride?”

“Never,” Beckett grunts, his lips twitching into a half smile. “Could be interesting.”

Ryder looks between the three of us, his expression a mix of exasperation and fondness. “You’re all ganging up on me now?”

“Don’t be such a grinch,” Tristan teases. “Live a little.”

I hold my breath, watching Ryder’s face. For a moment, I think he might actually refuse, but then his shoulders slump in mock defeat. “Fine. But if this turns into some kind of cheesy singalong, I’m jumping out.”

Grinning triumphantly, I grab his hand and practically drag him toward the sleigh before he can change his mind. The others follow, laughing at my enthusiasm.

We all pile in, and I end up nestled between Ryder and Beckett, with Tristan across from us. As we set off, the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses’ hooves and the jingling of bells fills the air. The town looks like a winter wonderland, strings of twinkling lights crisscrossing the streets and wreaths adorning every lamppost.

I can’t stop smiling, drinking in every detail. The cold air on my face, the warmth of the men beside me, the festive atmosphere—it’s all intoxicating. When I glance over at Ryder, my breath catches in my throat. Despite all his protests, he’s smiling, his eyes soft as he takes in our surroundings.

“Well, well,” I tease gently, nudging him with my elbow. “Look who’s finally starting to understand the appeal of my favorite holiday.”

“Maybe I am,” he admits in a low voice, turning his head so that his lips brush my ear. “I didn’t realize until now that Christmas could involve some of the hottest sex of my life, developing a new appreciation for hot chocolate, and…” He pauses, chuckling. “The joy of taking a few unexpected detours.”

I flush, my heart doing a little flip. He thinks our encounters have been some of the hottest sex of his life?

I know that being with the three of them has been amazing forme, but since he’s so much more experienced, both sexually and with kink in general, it’s hard to believe he feels the same way.

But the truth in his eyes is unmistakable. He means it.

Heat races through me, and I have to fight the urge to climb onto his lap right here in the sleigh. Or, even more embarrassing, confess how much it means to me to hear him say that.

Instead, I try to deflect the intensity of my emotions by teasing him about one of our “detours.”

“Admit it, Christmas just won’t feel complete for you anymore without a few roadside attractions.”

He grins at me, and Tristan joins in on the teasing, asking, “Are we talking about that dinosaur thing we stopped at?”

I sniff haughtily, trying to make them laugh. “Thing? I think you meanart.”

It works, and as we continue our ride through the twinkling, snow-covered streets, the laughter keeps flowing as we recount some of the adventures we’ve already had on this trip.

I can’t help but marvel at how much has changed in such a short time.

A week ago, I never would have imagined being here, snuggled between three men I’ve crushed on for half my life, feeling more cherished and desired than I ever have before. And for once, instead of trying to remind myself that it’s only temporary, with the Christmas lights sparkling off the snow around us and the sound of sleigh bells in the air, I just let myself enjoy it.