She leads the three of us to Lana’s room, and my chest tightens when I see her. She’s awake, but I’m not sure I agree with the doctor’s assessment of her being “fine.”
She’s still too damn pale for my liking.
The doctor clears her throat, glancing at us. “If the three of you can wait in the hall for a moment, I need to discuss some medical matters with Ms. Reeves.”
“They can stay.” Lana’s voice is soft but firm.
The doctor gives her an understanding smile. “Whatever you’re comfortable with. Now that you’re feeling more alert, I’d like to go over your health history.”
Lana’s breath hitches, a flare of panic lighting in her eyes that has me taking a step toward her. Then she sighs as she nods to the doctor.
“That’s fine. Um, what do you need to know?”
They review a few basic health facts before the doctor says, “…and you were recently diagnosed with lupus, correct?”
My spine snaps straight, and on either side of me, Ryder and Tristan go tense as well.
Lana is sick?
“Yeah,” Lana confirms with a shaky exhale, not meeting our eyes as she answers the doctor. “About a month ago.”
“And have you been following the recommended lifestyle adjustments to manage your condition?”
Lana bites her lip, looking guilty. “Not… not really. I’ve been trying to not let it get in the way. To not, um, let it change me.”
The doctor frowns at her. “Flare ups like you experienced today are going to ‘get in the way’ much more severely than the lifestyle modifications I’m sure your regular doctor recommended.”
“No, I know,” Lana says, looking down as she twists the thin blanket covering her between her fingers. “I’ll do better.”
“Good.” The doctor pats her hand with a sympathetic smile, then rattles off some information about these “lifestyle changes” she mentioned. One part of my brain methodically catalogues them all for future reference, while the rest of my mind gets stuck in a serious what-the-fuck loop.
Does she actually have lupus?
How could Caleb not have told us?
Fuck, why didn’tshetell us?
Tristan and Ryder look equally shocked, and I can’t wrap my head around how this shit can be true without any of us knowing about it.
“Let me get that steroid shot ordered up for you,” the doctor finally says to Lana as she’s wrapping up. “Then you should be free to go.”
Lana nods, still not meeting our eyes, and when the doctor leaves the room, the silence is heavy.
“Lana?” I finally rasp.
She looks up, worrying her lower lip between her teeth, and she’s still pale.
Pale and shaky.
I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut.
I’ve heard of lupus, but don’t fucking know enough about it. As in, I know almost nothing.
But I do know that I can’t stand the idea of her hurting like this.
“You knew about this, love?” Ryder asks her before I can find my voice.
Lana nods, then clears her throat and lifts her chin. “Yeah. But I… I haven’t told anyone yet. Except you guys, now.”