His hand goes toward his pocket, but I’ve had enough. I take another step back, holding up a hand to stop him. I’m done shrinking myself to fit others’ expectations or going along with their plans for me.
“I don’t want anything from you, Wade. I don’t wantyouanymore. We’re over.”
The room goes dead silent other than my mother’s quiet gasp, so even though Wade lowers his voice again, his words carry to everyone.
“Lana,” he hisses. “You’re overreacting. Let’s just talk about this privately.”
I huff a laugh, shaking my head. “We don’t have anything to talk about.”
The charming facade crumbles, replaced by a look of anger and wounded pride. “You can’t be fucking serious.”
He takes a step toward me—but one step is all he gets before three large figures materialize in front of me, forming a protective barrier between me and Wade.
Tristan, Ryder, and Beckett stand shoulder to shoulder, their stances resolute.
“Oh, she’s definitely fucking serious,” Beckett growls, his voice low and dangerous.
Tristan’s voice is calmer, but no less firm. “You heard Lana. It’s over.”
Ryder glares at him. “And since you weren’t invited in the first place, that means it’s time for you to go.”
Wade’s eyes widen. “Who the hell are you?”
The men don’t answer him, but I can see the wheels turning in Wade’s head, connecting the dots.
My ex’s face contorts with a mixture of disgust and fury as his eyes zero in on me past Beckett’s shoulder. “These are the guys I heard you on the phone with, aren’t they? The ones you were traveling with?”
“Don’t talk to her,” Beckett bites out, shifting his bulk to block Wade’s view of me. “Don’t think about her. Don’t even fucking breathe in her direction. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want to see you, and I believe Ryder just told you to get the fuck out, so I strongly suggest you do that. Now.”
I move to Beckett’s side, putting a hand on his arm and feeling the tautness of his muscles.
I love the way they’re standing up for me, but I want to stand beside them right now.
“He’s right, Wade. It’s time for you to go.”
Wade’s eyes drop to my hand on Beckett’s arm.
“So this is why you don’t want to get back together,” he sneers. “You’ve been fucking one of them, haven’t you? Is that what this is really about? Which one was it? This guy?”
He makes a rude gesture toward Beckett, and Beckett’s muscles flex under my hand.
Ryder lets out a dark chuckle.
“Oneof us?” He arches a brow, his tone filled with amusement but his eyes hard. “Oh, buddy. You should really have more imagination than that.”
Wade’s jaw drops, his face flushing an angry red as the implication of Ryder’s words sinks in.
“Lana,” my father grits out between clenched teeth, his voice carrying over the low buzz of titillated gossip springing up around the room as my parents’ guests watch the drama unfolding here.
“Lana?” I repeat incredulously, turning to my father. “Don’t you mean Wade? The man who showed up, lied to you, and is currently causing a scene at your party?”
My father’s eyes spark with anger, but Caleb steps up next to him and says something under his breath, stopping whatever reply Dad was about to make.
Caleb doesn’t look any happier than my parents do, but I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with my family right now. Not when the men I… I care for are in a tense standoff with my ex, the tension in the air like a powder keg.
“Please leave, Wade,” I repeat, squeezing Beckett’s arm as I turn my back on my family.
“Are you going to let this guy talk about you like that?” Wade sputters instead, jabbing a finger at Ryder.