Page 85 of The Snowball Effect

“Yes. Yes, shame on me for bringing it up. I should hang up and think about what I’ve done. That’s what I’m going to do. Love you, starfish, kick ass!”

Sutton barely managed a confused goodbye before Regan hung up. Quickly, her anticipation mounting, she scrolled through her contacts until she came to the right person.

She needed help. And it so happened that she knew a lesbian guru.

Regan – 8:08 AM

Heyyyy what are you up to today?

Given that your hot gf is out of the country, I figured you might be available

Esp for the best friend of your hot gf who is in need of some serious counseling rn

SAPPHIC counseling!

Stunning Charlotte Thompson – 8:14 AM

You know, I distinctly recall when I gave you my number in March that it was for emergencies.

Regan – 8:15 AM

First and foremost, I am experiencing an emergency

Second and secondmost, if my memory serves, I was there for you on the worst night of your life and then played an integral part in you winning back the love of your life…

I feel like that kind of warrants us being text pals on occasion

Stunning Charlotte Thompson – 8:19 AM

Fine. You have my attention.

But I would like to stress that this number is private.

Regan – 8:20 AM

What do you think I’m gonna do, write your # in sharpie in a bathroom stall and write: call for a good time?

In fairness, Reganhadthat thought – and other similar ones – when Charlotte had broken Sutton’s heart six months ago. But she’d never do that to Charlotte,now.

Stunning Charlotte Thompson – 8:27 AM

I think it’s better if I refrain from answering that.

Regan was usually totally thrilled to engage in a little texting banter with a friend. Or whatever Charlotte was to her.

But right now, she felt so antsy. Just the very thought that Emma was sleeping across the hall and could get up at any moment – granted, Emma didn’t normally rise so early, but you never know! – made her feel like she was ready to climb out of her skin.

Regan – 8:27 AM

Charlotte, are you available today?

Regan had never been inside Charlotte’s apartment before.

It had the startlingly similar feeling of running into a teacher outside of school. Like she was getting a glimpse at the private life of someone she had no business seeing.

Only, this was her best friend’s girlfriend, which meant Regan – in her opinion – had the right.

There was a lack of personal items on display, though Regan supposed that didn’t shock her.