Page 98 of The Snowball Effect

“Seriously, I love the idea of living in this kind of micro-community. Is there an age cap? Isn’t it ageist to keep me out of living here?” If the comments came from anyoneotherthan Regan, Emma would have thought it was corny. She would have rolled her eyes because the words alone sounded like a ridiculous suck-up.

But Regan didn’t sound ridiculous or corny. She sounded so eager and earnest that it made both Emma and her gram laugh.

“You can feel free to take my place if you want.” Gram offered, “I’ll move into your apartment with Emma.”

Immediately, Regan vehemently shook her head. “Uh… sorry. I have to rescind the comment. I’m not ready to give up living with Emma; I just got her.”

In a fluid move, she slid out of her linked arm with Gram and returned to Emma’s side. True to Regan fashion, she stood close enough for their bodies to brush as she reached down to lace her fingers through Emma’s.

Emma’s cheeks heated again, and she instinctively flexed her fingers around Regan’s as she thought once more: Regan wassogood at this.

Her gram seemed satisfied with that response as she gave a small nod.

“Why don’t we sit?” She gestured at her small kitchen table. “We can get to know one another a bit more.”

“Actually, before we go that,” Regan jumped in before anyone moved. “I was hoping I could get a tour of the whole place? If you wouldn’t mind? Like I said, I’m really nosy.”

The winning smile on her face could have melted a solid block of ice. It was clearly enough to melt through her gram’sresistance to leaving the security of her suite as Gram slowly nodded, “Sure; it would be good to get some more walking in today.”

“Great!” Regan squeezed Emma’s hand, sending her a wink as Gram walked past them toward the door.

Emma’s breath caught in her throat, her own smile freezing in place. What wasthatabout?

She didn’t have time to ponder it, as Regan tugged her along out into the main hallway.

“So, Sherry, I’m dying for you to tell me more about yourself,” Regan stated, her voice so encouraging, as they started walking.

Emma disengaged so that the three of them didn’t take up the entire hallway, walking a couple of steps back.

Her grandmother sent Regan a surprised look, eyebrows furrowed.

“I mean, Emma has already told me about you – you gave her those beautiful hummingbirds and her favorite opal ring, which was a gift from your husband. That you worked at Rettol Academy. I know you raised Emma like a boss.” She turned that quick smile up at Emma, so brief but sofull. “But I feel like I don’t know enough aboutyou, you know? What do you like to do?”

There was a small flush on her gram’s cheeks at having Regan’s direct and persistent attention on her. But Emma didn’t intervene because she believed her gram looked… pleased.

“Well, uh. Hmm,” Gram hummed thoughtfully before she shrugged. “I’ve always liked knitting. When Emma was little, I made her the cutest hat; she wore it every winter until it started to unravel.”

Regan aimed another look at her over her gram’s head, eyes glinting. And Emma couldn’t do anything other thansmile.

“I enjoy a fun game–”

“Oh, what kind?”

Sherry chuckled at Regan’s eagerness. “Cards, mostly. It’s always fun to try my hand at most card games.”

Emma scoffed loudly. “Oh,you suppose? Don’t listen to her; she’s a shark, and she will take you for literally everything you have.”

Her gram sent her a look over her shoulder. “Emma must really like you, being so willing to tell you about my secrets like that.”

Emma’s heart skipped a beat as she ducked her head, rolling her lips so she couldn’t disagree. Whywouldshe disagree, anyway?! She wanted her gram to think she was crazy about Regan.

“I’d love to play against you sometime,” Regan offered, bringing her gram’s attention back to her.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she muttered.

“Why don’t you tell me more aboutyou?” Gram urged Regan.

It was only here, at this moment, that Emma finally recognized that look in her gram’s eyes. The measuring one, waiting to see which way the scale tipped in terms of Regan. Was she good enough for Emma? Was she the right one?