“We will work on that.” She held herself back from pressing the matter – this was a beginner day for them. Regan didn’t want to test the limits too much on day one! “Emma Bordeaux,” she started again, “Thatis a sifter. You have to spoon the dry ingredients into the measuring cups, then you sift them into the bowl.”
Emma arched a doubtful look at her. “Now I know you’re messing with me. That’s why we have the measuring cups; you scoop them and dump them in the bowl. I know how that works.”
A baffled laugh escaped Regan as she held up her hands. “Why would I be messing with you? That’snothow this works! Scout’s honor.” She sidled up to Emma, pressing against her side, gesturing at the ingredients. “You don’t want them to be… heavy,” she decided on the word. “If you just scoop, it won’t be accurate. We’re going for light and fluffy, here, not thick and dense.”
Even though Emma still clearly thought Regan was fucking with her, she reached for the spoon. “I guess – for today – you’re in charge.”
Regan bumped her hip against Emma’s. “You’re damn right!”
Emma shot her a look, and everything in Regan went on high alert… before Emma shook her head and bumped Regan’s hip right back.
The most exciting moment had been when she’d heard Emma, surprise in her tone, say, “You know, this actually looks pretty good.”
Regan turned from where she’d been checking on the cupcakes in the oven… only to solidly bump right into Emma.
Eyes widening, she’d watched as the raspberry simple syrup they’d made – well, Regan had made, while Emma had poured the cupcake batter into the tins – slosh over the side of the jar it was in… all over Emma’s right hand. Completely covering the opal ring she always wore.
She flicked her gaze between the syrup dripping over Emma’s hand, to Emma’s face, the easy rhythm they’d found in the last hour quickly replaced by anxiety. She’d ruined this tentative truce in true Regan fashion – by accident – and now Emma would respond in typical Emma fashion – incredibly irritated.
Quickly, she reached out and took Emma's sticky jar and set it on the counter. “Sorry! I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’d lifted the jar or that we were standing so close. I’ll wash the ring,” she offered, gesturing for Emma to take it off. “Really, I’ll be careful. I’ll watch a YouTube video on how to do it properly.”
Her stomach knotted as she watched Emma close her eyes and take a deep breath.
Until Emma shook her head, those blue eyes opening again as she breathed out slowly and evenly.
“It’s… fine,” Emma murmured. As soon as she said the words, she nodded with them, doubling down. “Seriously, it’s fine. Because,” she arched her eyebrow down at Regan, “I know you didn’t mean it.”
Regan quickly shook her head. “I seriously, truly didn’t.” She brought up her hand, making anxover her chest. “Cross my heart and hope to die.” She ended by diligently stepping out of Emma’s way, giving her a large, hopeful smile. One was entirely genuine as relief washed through her.
Emma hadn’t flipped out! Or stormed to her room! Progress!
She hadn’t known just how nice it would feel for Emma not to assume the worst about her.
As Emma grimaced and tugged her ring off, she shot Regan an amused look. “I don’t think I’ve heard anyone over the age of, like, ten say that. But somehow, I feel like you really mean it.”
Regan positively beamed.
After Emma had washed her hands, she started on the ring. Carefully cleaning it without submerging it in water.
Curious, Regan walked up to her, pressing herself against Emma’s back so she could look over her shoulder. “It’s a really pretty ring. It’s not, like, damaged, right?”
Emma glanced at her. Rather than tell Regan to back off, though, she slowly shifted her attention to the ring. “No, it’s fine. I mean, it’s notamazing, but it’s definitely not damaged.”
Regan relaxed, thoughtlessly propping her chin on Emma’s shoulder so she could watch the thoughtful movements Emma made to rid the ring of the syrup. “Good. It’s the only piece of jewelry you wear basically every day, so… I would’ve felt really bad. I mean, I would have replaced it! But, still.”
She could feel the deep breath Emma took as her back pressed solidly into Regan’s front as she continued to methodically clean the ring. “You couldn’t have replaced it, actually. My grandfather had it made for my gram for their tenth anniversary.”
Regan angled her head to look at Emma, eyes wide and excited.
Emma?! Sharing information with her?!Voluntarily?!
“But I know you would have offered.”
Regan returned her look to the ring, smiling softly down at it. “That’s so sweet. And your grandmother gave you the ring? Because you two are close, right? Because that’s what set off our argument – her believing we’re together.”
Emma paused after she swiped the damp cloth over her ring, slowly turning her head to look at Regan.