Page 31 of The Snowball Effect

“That’s so sweet,” Kimberly’s voice cut in, regaining their attention.

Regan watched Emma furrow her eyebrows as she looked at her mom. “So… what are you doing here?” Emma asked.

She’d have to hand it to Emma – she really cut straight to the point. She supposed there was something to say about that directness.

Honestly, it had always been Regan’s favorite thing about Emma.

“Right!” Kimberly lit up, her posture straightening as she cleared her throat. “Well, I finally finished going through all the boxes we’d put in the basement after the move. You know, filled with the things we don’t use day-to-day.”


Kimberly nodded as if thrilled by Emma’s simple validation. “Yesterday morning, I found Mr. Cuddles.” She leaned down to rummage through her tote bag before she emerged with a stuffed animal. A purple bear with a faded embroidered heart on the tummy, which she held up, looking both victorious and nervous. “I, um, I just remembered how much you loved him when you were little, and I thought it would be nice to give him back to you.”

Regan slid her gaze to Emma, who sat shock-still for several long moments. From her side view, she could see the slight ticking of Emma’s jaw, but other than that, she looked… frozen.

If Regan really was Emma’s supportive girlfriend, she would do something here.

So, she did.

Leaning forward, she put her hand on Emma’s knee and squeezed softly, sending Kimberly a delighted smile. “He’s so cute!”

Which was true.

Mr. Cuddles was clearly well-loved, though also well-taken care of. He was in a much better state than Regan’s favored childhood stuffed animals were. Or would be if they still existed outside of the landfill they’d likely ended up in when she’d turned ten, and her parents had thrown out her stuffed animals.

Kimberly looked relieved at Regan’s response and offered Mr. Cuddles out to her. “He is! I, uh,” she glanced at Emma. “I got him for Emma when she was two. She was so sick; she had a hundred-and-four-degree fever. It was terrible. She loved Mr. Cuddles, though, the second she got her hands on him.”

Regan carefully took the bear with her free hand, squeezing Emma’s knee again with the other.

“I can see why.” She studied the well-kept companion; not even a patch of hair missing or anything. “I liked that you used a male pronoun, even though he was purple. Very ahead of your time.”

“I’ve always been into equality,” Emma seemed to finally find her voice.

Kimberly’s phone vibrated where it sat on the table next to her, but she ignored it. “I brought it when I went to see your gram yesterday, but you’d already left when I arrived. I was trying to arrange it so we ran into one another, but…” She trailed off with a shrug and a forced laugh, wrapping her hands aroundher coffee mug. “I know how it is; it was a Saturday evening. You’re young and in love. So, I just – I thought I could just drop it by before it gets lost in the shuffle at my house.”

Regan settled Mr. Cuddles in her lap, sipping her coffee to hide her tickled smile at being calledyoung and in love. And she just knew that while hearing that phrase to describe the two of them amused her, it made Emma want to shout the truth from the rooftop.

Only Emma didn’t look aggrieved at all.

She looked very much like she wasn’t sure what to say. And she definitely looked relieved when Kimberly’s phone rang again, giving her a reason to encourage, “Why don’t you answer it? It could be important.”

Kimberly slid her gaze down to her phone screen before she sighed. “It’s – I should be on my way to the shelter.”

“What shelter?” Regan asked.

“The Culver Women’s Shelter, on third? I’m the director there, and I have a few meetings today,” she answered with a tentative smile, as she slid her gaze to Emma once more. “I just… I wanted to see you. Even if it was only for a few minutes.”

“That’s – I didn’t realize you worked there. That’s great,” Emma murmured, her cheeks flushed as she looked away from her mom’s gaze and down into her coffee. “But, yeah, I don’t want you to miss the meetings on my account.”

Regan’s eyes widened.Yikes!Again, she sipped her coffee to hide her expression.

Kimberly nodded. “Right. Of course, you’re right.” She leaned conspiratorially toward Regan, a smile on her lips again. “Believe it or not, Emma has always been a stickler for never being late and sticking to the rules.” She looked back at Emma, a smile screaming of hesitance and affection curling her lips. “I like that some things never change.”

“Happy to help,” Emma seemed to manage with something that resembled a smile. Kind of.

Regan realized her hand was still resting on Emma’s knee and squeezed again. This one was entirely for real support, no teasing intended.

Kimberly stood, tugging her tote bag over her shoulder. “I really hope we can get together soon. Maybe the two of you can come over for dinner with Ted and the girls? If you’re settled in here, that is.”