Page 189 of The Snowball Effect

That memory was burned into Emma’s mind, locked in.

Because, “It was the first time I’d ever seen you, undressed.” And she’d tried so very hard not to let herselffeelanything.

Regan nodded, slowly, as she placed her palms on the counter between them and leaned in. “Right. I remember that.”

“You said that people always notice Sutton first,” Emma prompted, and that sentence had sounded a little crazy to Emma, even then. “But I need you to know that I noticedyoufirst.”

Still looking confused, Regan’s grin turned teasing. “Okay, sure, but only because I burned you with coffee.”

Still, resolutely, Emma shook her head. “No, actually. If you recall, due to my gram oversharing, I’d already seen you in here and liked you, before that.”

“Your crush, riiiight,” Regan drew out, tilting her head up at Emma. “But–”

“The first time I ever saw you was also the first time I’d ever seen Sutton. She was in here; right here, actually.” Emma gestured to the exact spot she was standing, right across from the register. “You two were talking, but I couldn’t hear what was being said. And you made a comment, and you two both laughed. And yes, Sutton’s beautiful – absolutely. But I noticedyou. Your laugh and your smile and the way your eyes lit up.”

She stared intently at Regan, hoping she understood what this meant to Emma. Not only the memory, but that she was telling Regan here. In public, in front of one ofRegan’s coworkers, who was only a few feet away, and was surreptitiously pretending not to listen.

And she only felt the barest amount of embarrassment, because she wanted Regan to know, and she wanted her to know, now.

The smile slowly faded from Regan’s face, as she stared up at Emma with that look Regan sometimes wore when she stared at her. That soft, wide-eyed,adoringlook.

“Emma,” she breathed, and Emma shook her head.

There was more, and she needed to say it.

“I meant what I said to Sutton on that call; it was easier to lean into finding you irritating, rather than let myself give in to anything else. Because Ididhave a crush on you before we met. No, I didn’t really know you. But I’d come in here for a few months, and I not only was attracted to you, but… I loved how funny you were. I loved that you never seemed daunted or overwhelmed during rush times. I loved that you were willing to give tourists recommendations, and that you remembered facts about your regulars. But I definitely wasnotready to feel any more than that, so it was a lot safer to wall all of that away,” she admitted, her cheeks heating, especially as she saw Regan’s coworker turn and stare at her, all pretense of not eavesdropping forgotten.

“This summer has changed my life. And for someone who has never liked change, that’s a scary thing. But it’s all been… good.Everythingin my life is better now than it was before, and it’s because of you.”

Wow, Emma felt a little breathless. She could hear it in her own voice, and she swallowed hard, as she whispered, “I’m in love with you, Regan. To the point that I don’t even want to go home and take advantage of our empty apartment for the night. Because the thing I want to do the most when I have good news or even just when I leave work, is be with you.”

She inhaled sharply with surprise as Regan hopped up from where she stood, bracing herself on the counter, and surged across to press her lips to Emma’s.

Despite the emotion and the vulnerability and the public aspect of it all, she didn’t care. She didn’t care that they were in the café or that there were a few customers at the tables or that everyone was definitely watching.

She cared about the fact that she could feel the smile on Regan’s soft mouth.

The moment was over within seconds, as Regan ended the kiss. As Emma blinked her eyes open, Regan was already in full motion. She made her way around the counter and grabbed Emma’s hand in hers, tugging hard.

“Jackie, I’m taking my break,” she informed her coworker, and Emma willingly followed Regan.

As Regan shoved open the door to the back room, she couldn’t help but think about their first official meeting. Especially as Regan quickly turned and gripped Emma’s shirt by the collar, and she teased, “Are you going to rip this one too?”

“Don’t tempt me; you’re lucky I didn’t do it in the middle of the café,” Regan growled, tugging Emma down to capture her mouth once more.

The kiss was hungry and searching and hot and sweet, and Emma gave into it, much like she’d given herself to Regan.



Emma sighed contentedlyas she blinked her eyes open for the first time of the day and snuggled in close to Regan.

Which wasn’t difficult, given how they typically were wrapped up in one another upon waking up for the day. Unsurprisingly, Regan was an intense cuddler. Surprisingly, Emma didn’t mind it.

Even more surprisingly, she often found herself cuddling in close to Regan, much like this morning. She was spooning Regan from behind, the contours of their bodies aligning, from their slightly bent legs, to the way Regan’s butt was cradled in Emma’s lap, to how Regan’s back was pressed against Emma’s front, with Emma’s arm draped over her waist.

It felt so… normal. Alarmingly normal, to wake up with the fresh, minty scent of Regan’s shampoo in her nose, the soft feeling of Regan’s sheets surrounding her. Emma’s own pillows were now in Regan’s bed, because she had a very specific preference for neck support.