Page 188 of The Snowball Effect

Who else, in the world, would be so unadulteratedly, unashamedly, unassumingly thrilled for her, when she wasn’t even published, yet. When she hadn’t evenwrittena piece, yet? Regan might even be more excited than Emma was.

Regan Girlfriend-Material Gallagher – 5:45PM

I guess it’s a good thing I’m working until late tonight, huh? I’ll be out of your hair for you to get some real, focused, dedicated writing time

Emma lifted her eyebrows in consideration; she hadn’t even thought about that. But Regan was supposed to be working until ten, which meant Emma had the apartment to herself to write. That was great.

It would be silent and still and she’d have time with just her thoughts. That was… great.

Emma’s steps slowed, realizing that she didn’t reallyfeellike it was great. The idea of going back to their apartment and being there alone for most of the night made her stomach sink, the distinct feeling of disappointment sliding through her.

There was nothing appealing to her about going home to their apartment – even to write this piece – when Regan wasn’tgoing to be there. When she wouldn’t get to see her exuberant smile or hear the enthusiastic words Regan was sure to have or to feel the press of Regan’s mouth against hers. Going home to their empty apartment right now felt just like that: empty.

Emma could feel her heart start pounding in her chest at the realization. Was shecrazy? She’d never in a million years ever imagined this would her response, but it was undeniable.

That feeling stayed with her until she found herself not at their apartment, but at the entrance to Topped Off.

She took a deep breath, pulling open the glass door, as she heard the familiar jingle of the bells that signaled her entrance.

Even in the “lull” that Regan had described, the café wasn’t empty. Topped Off was rarely ever truly empty. Regan was behind the counter, chatting animatedly with the only customer in line as she effortlessly made their drink order.

And… yeah.

Emma felt it, that feeling in her chest that she’d been experiencing for weeks now. That feeling that she’d written off in the beginning as the excitement over her new relationship. But if that were the case, it wouldn’t feel the way it felt.

More intense, more insistent, as time continued passing. She felt it now, alive and buzzing inside of her, even louder than it normally was.

Coupled with it right now, as Regan handed the customer their drink and looked up across the café to meet Emma’s eyes, was the tight spiral of nerves echoing through her.

Nerves, and excitement, and readiness, andlove.

“Emma?” Regan’s tone was tinged with wonder, her expression brightening with that smile Emma had never been able to dislike, even in their most antagonistic moments. “What are you doing here? Do you want to caff-up for the night of writing ahead?”

With a deep breath, Emma strode forward to the counter, and she had no idea what she was going to say, she just knew this was the time to say it.

“My middle name is Avery.”

Confusion flit over Regan’s face, even as a small, baffled smile tugged at her lips. “The way you’ve guarded that from me, I would have thought it was way more embarrassing.”

Emma nodded. “It is. Because it’s after Avery Wilder.”

Predictably, Regan’s eyes widened with obvious glee. “Shut up! Really? The actress?”

“Kimberly was fifteen, and her favorite show wasHere for Tomorrow, so…” Emma shrugged, not even able to summon the kernel of embarrassment she’d normally feel when telling this fun fact to someone.

Especially not in the face of Regan’s excitement, that gorgeous smile unfailingly making Emma’s stomach flutter.

“That’s so cool. Mine’s Cady, by the way. After one of my mom’s aunts. Boring origin story.”

“And if I’d known you in middle school, maybe I’d feel differently about telling people my middle name. Because, yeah, the name itself is totally fine; as a name, I have no issues with it. It was people’s reactions to finding out that my mom named me after an actress, when everyone in my private school was named after family members or other… respectable people, I guess, that made me embarrassed.” She stared at Regan, thinking that if she’d known Regan earlier in her life, she’d probably feel very different about closing people out.

Regan’s grin softened. “Well, kids can be really shitty. But I appreciate you telling me.” The confusion from a few minutes ago crept back. “Is that why you came here?”

Shaking her head, Emma felt her heart start to pound – quickly and demandingly – in her chest. “No, I…” She drew in adeep breath, holding it in, and gathering strength from it to say, “I came here to tell you that I noticed you first.”

Regan froze, her smile in place even as her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Uh… huh?”

Her breath came a little faster, and the words started to pour out of her. “A few months ago, the first time we went to my mom’s for dinner and you called me into your room.”