Page 186 of The Snowball Effect

Not something Allegra needed to concern herself about, because Emma was having trouble believing this was real.

“No, I know that.”

“I’ve read over all of your notes for our Alton finalists; the edits and critiques you made were saliant and astute. I’d have made the same comments on many of them.”

A flushed pleasure worked through Emma, and she found herself unable to hold back her smile. “That’s amazing to know. Thank you.”

Allegra waved her off, her stare intent and direct. “I felt inspired to pull up the pieces you submitted for the Fellowship, when you’d been accepted. Your writing was good. Very good. On a couple of pieces, I’d even go so far as to say exceptional.”

Yeah, Emma now had to try to contain how wide her smile grew, as surprise swept through her. “Thank you. Again.”

“I know, however, that you were unable to accept your place in the program. Which is a shame. It could have very likely changed your career trajectory.” She narrowed her eyes meaningfully at Emma, gesturing around her own office.

Emma knew what she was saying even without her saying the words aloud. And it was true; if Emma had been able tocomplete the Alton Fellowship, to take a crash-course in upping her skills, to make all of the connections that would have been available to her, there was a good chance she wouldn’t be working as Allegra’s assistant to get her foot in the door.

It was something she’d tried very gamely not to think about over the past couple of months, granting people access to what had once been Emma’s own dream.

Luckily, she’d had everything going on with Regan to distract her from ruminating on it too much.

“I’d like to think I’m on a decent trajectory, still,” Emma cut in, deferentially.

Even so, she did mean it. Working under Allegra wasn’t something she took lightly, and she didn’t want her boss to think that Emma believed she was better than this.

“So you are,” Allegra agreed, an air of approval in her tone. “And I’d like to see you continue it. So, get me a piece by next Wednesday, and I’ll give it a read.”

“Yes. Absolutely. Thank you.” How much had Emma thanked this woman in the last five minutes?! It didn’t matter; she’d do it even more if she felt like Allegra wouldn’t be irritated by it.

“You don’t need to thank me; you’ll earn any publication by your own merit.” Allegra frowned down at her laptop screen. “Before you leave today, make sure you move up my meeting with Margaret Eddy to Monday morning.”

Understanding that she was being dismissed, Emma nodded. “Absolutely.”

She had to bite her lip to contain her stunned smile as she turned back to her desk.

What was she going to write about?

The thought had started to bounce around Emma’s mind, obsessively, for the last hour and a half.

She had essentially three days to think of something good – something interesting, something moving, something that made Allegra respect Emma as not only an assistant with potential but as a real, prospective writer.

As she left work, she already had her phone in hand, unable to quell her amazement any longer.

Emma – 5:42PM

I have giant news

Regan Girlfriend-Material Gallagher – 5:42PM

Good news??? Bad news? Scary news? What kind of news, beautiful?!

She still felt that slight hit of warmth on her cheeks at Regan’s nickname. Granted, she’d heard the nicknames Regan had used to refer to Sutton over the years, so she couldn’t say she was at all surprised that she was on the receiving end of her own nicknames. Given that they were in a relationship.

Given that Reganloved her.

Yeah. It had been a couple of weeks since Regan had dropped that L word on her, and Emma’s stomach still fluttered at the idea. Regan wasn’t shy about saying it, either.

She’d tell Emma she loved her before they went to sleep. She’d say it when they woke up in the morning. She’d pant it in gasping, moaning breaths when Emma made her come. She’d write it in little notes when she prepared Emma’s lunch – something she’d only done a couple of times, but Emma found it damningly sweet.

Every time Regan said it, though, it made Emma pause. Made herfeel.