“It’s a relationship,” Emma interjected, as her stomach recoiled at the idea that itwasn’t.
She turned to look at Regan, capturing her gaze with a steady, serious look.
“To me, this is a real relationship. I wouldn’t want to do this,” she gestured between them. “If it wasn’t. I have real-girlfriend feelings for you,” she echoed Regan’s sentiment, when Regan had laid her cards on the table.
But – she needed Regan to know that. And she needed to make sure her own cards were laid out, too.
“I don’t want you to be on dating apps. Or sleeping with anyone else.” She recalled from the night Regan had told her that all Emma had to do wassay itif she wanted this.
Regan quickly shook her head. “No, neither – uh, I mean, no. Me, neither. For both of us.”
Satisfied, even as she felt exhilarated and a little scared, and definitely a little embarrassed at the fact that Sutton had witnessed this very personal moment between them, Emma exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
“Wow. Just – all right.Wow,” Sutton muttered, staring at them as if she’d never seen them, before. “So, this is what’s been going on over there.”
“I have a girlfriend,” Regan announced, sounding delighted and shocked. She slid her bare leg along Emma’s, clearly unable to keep still. “A real one, now.”
Emma couldn’t help but laugh, and…
She had agirlfriend– a real one, now.
“I’m sorry. What?” Sutton pressed.
Regan opened her mouth to start talking, and Emma couldseehow the excited explanation was ready to fall from her lips. Before she paused, looking at Emma for full permission to spill the beans.
Endeared, she nodded, inviting Regan to tell Sutton everything. It was about time, it seemed.
“The craziest thing happened,” Regan started, and Emma leaned back against the headboard, gazing at her.
Everything felt surreal, but… not.
She was in a real relationship with this woman.
Regan – 5:37PM
Beth dropped an entire pot of coffee today. Literally SHATTERED the glass. It’s great for me, because she’s officially taken over as the most accident-prone person at the shop
I saw that guy on the subway, the one that tried to give me a ferret that one time. No ferrets, anymore, though. Wonder what happened to them all
OH and the biggest update is that I found this vibrator online that we tried out last night and when I tell you that they really mean MUTUAL PLEASURE – I’ll send you the link
Sutton, the One and Only – 5:38PM
When I said that I didn’t need you to “make it up to me” I meant it. Really, I don’t need the update on what time you peed this morning. I promise.
Regan – 5:38PM
Are you sure? Because I am HAPPY to tell you. EVERYTHING
I don’t want you to worry that I replaced you with Charlotte this summer
She chuckled,utterly amused with herself for that one. Now that Sutton was in the know about everything since their conversation nearly two weeks ago, Regan had made it a point to text and call Sutton much more regularly. Now that she didn’t feel like she had to keep any secrets or had any uncertainty about her relationship with Emma –
Because they werein a relationship!–
It was great! She got to gush about everything to Sutton. To ask her advice. To tell her about how it felt so… perfect, like things just made sense for her, now.