Because Emma was sitting on their couch wearing her glasses and one of her button-ups that she typically wore to work. But instead of how she usually wore it – appropriate for the office – the top five? Six?! Buttons were undone.
Leaving her breasts, encased in that sexy lacy red bra that Regan recognized from months ago, showcased for Regan’s gaze to feast on.
Her throat ran dry – parched. She was parched. A woman in a desert kind of parched.
“Emma,” she breathed, and she swayed where she stood. “What are you… you’re just… what?”
Emma slowly raised an eyebrow at her. The look was both teasing and a little unsure, and Regan had no idea how she managed that combination. She had no idea why Emma would feeluncertainat all. “You mentioned last night when we were…” She trailed off, clearing her throat.
“Touching ourselves while on the phone with each other so we could hear each other come,” Regan supplied helpfully, her voice raspy. “I find it so cute that you’re so shy when we talk about it.”
And she did. The dualities of Emma made Regan feel so soft. She was someone who was fearlessly sharp and had spoken her mind to Regan for years, yet became bashful when they talked about sex…
Regan loved it. Though, she wondered if she would love just about anything about Emma at this point.
Emma’s exhale trembled on a visible shiver. “Yes, that. You said – not for the first time – that you were dying to see mybreasts. And you’ve been very vocal about your feelings on my glasses, so…”
“Are you trying toseduceme?” Regan knew that was what was happening, because it was right in front of her fucking eyes, but she still couldn’t believe it. Her blood rushed with delight and surprise and arousal – so, so much arousal.
Emma’s lips pursed. “I guess I am,” she answered, dragging the words out. “I don’t really know; all I know is that last night, when we went to our separate beds and I came against my own fingers, I’ve never been so dissatisfied while still feeling sated. Because I… I wantyourtouch. And I’m so tired of hearing you come, but not being the one to cause it. Not really.”
She could see how hard Emma swallowed, across the room. “And it’s all I’ve thought about, all day.”
Regan was breathless with the heat that sparked through her, the need pulsing between her legs as if there was a switch Emma had flicked.
In a way, she supposed, there was.
How else was she supposed to react when Emma was sitting there, waiting for Regan to come home, so that she could make Regan’s fantasies come true?
Still, she clenched her hands into fists so tight, her nails bit deeply into her palms. She needed that, to steady herself. To make sure she didn’t run across the room and throw herself at Emmaright this fucking second.
“I… you wanted to make sure we weren’t going too fast,” Regan cautioned, her breathing already growing erratic, and she couldn’t stop staring at Emma’s tits.
Her cleavage looked so incredible; Regan wanted to bury her face there and it was fine if she suffocated. She didn’t really care – in fact, she could die happy.
“We’re supposed to keep each other in check,” she reminded Emma from their conversation last week. It took every singleounce of will power Regan had, to recall that conversation right now.
And that had been what they’d done every night.
When their kisses grew so heated, when they strained against one another so needily, one of them would pull back. When their hands started to wander and their touches grew more desperate, pulling on shirts and pants, they’d break away from each other.
It had become an unspoken agreement, really, that they’d quickly go their separate ways so that they could take things further, withouttaking them further.
“If you feel like it’s too soon–” Emma started, but Regan couldn’t let her finish.
“I don’t!” She jumped in, vehemently shaking her head. Feeling crazed already. “It’s not too soon, for me. Fine, it’s only been like a week since our first date; big deal. We live together. Every night we hang out is adate. Dinner together, movies, tv shows, activities – we’ve spent more time together in the last few months than couples who have been together for a year. It’snottoo soon,” she repeated, meaning every single word.
The relief was evident on Emma’s face, as she breathed, “Thank god.”
That was it. That was all the confirmation Regan needed.
She pounced at Emma, bounding across the room and jumping into her lap. Her legs bracketed Emma’s thighs, and she settled on top of her, gripping her shoulders.
Immediately, she felt Emma’s hands slide up her thighs. Maybe Emma was helping Regan catch her balance, but whatever the purpose of her touch – it didn’t matter.
What mattered was that the sensation of Emma’s fingers gliding up the backs of her thighs shot right to Regan’s clit. She rolled her hips down against Emma’s, before ducking her head to capture Emma’s mouth with her own.
Several of their kisses in the last week had started off slow and soft. When they’d been cuddling on the couch just last night, and Emma had turned to look at Regan rather than the television, she’d felt hypnotized by the way Emma’s blue eyes looked so… electric in the dim lighting of the living room. She’d been drawn in, gently cupping Emma’s jaw as she’d pressed their lips together.