Page 165 of The Snowball Effect

“I’m…” Regan’s cheeks heated, her heart skipping a beat at the very thought of Emma. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

Her tone sounded just as awed as she felt, at the confirmation. Yes, shewasdating Emma. How crazy was that?

“We’ve never talked about our personal relationships. Have you realized that? Never. Not once.” Audrey frowned, her eyebrows knitting tightly as she shook her head. “I don’t like that.”

Good god, what had happened to set this off? She needed to know. “It’s… I mean, we haven’t talked about anythingreal, ever,” she slowly said, with as much tact as she could manage.But they’d barely had any semblance of a relationship for most of their adult lives, which wasn’t news to Audrey.

Apparently, her words didn’t provide any sense of peace to her sister, whose frown etched even deeper into her face as she stared into Regan’s eyes. “Iknowthat. I’m telling you that I don’t like it, and that it would be nice if things were different. And I know we – we bonded, or whatever you’d call it, at brunch, and we’ve texted a little. But I want to know more about you. All right?”

Yeah, Regan had not been prepared for this in any possible way. “All right,” she warily agreed.

“So, tell me.” Audrey waved her hand, imploring Regan to speak.

Regan chewed at her bottom lip, unsure of how to broach this topic with Audrey, given that she’d only ever shared it with Charlotte freaking Thompson. But also finding that shewantedto tell her.

She wanted to talk about Emma, badly. She wanted to gush about her and about them and their date and everything else that had taken place over the last week.

She wanted to talk about how Emma had surprised her with a little karaoke set up in their living room on Saturday night, when Regan had returned home from work. How Emma had shrugged that adorable little embarrassed shrug, as she’d murmured, “I just don’t want you to feel like you’re the only one that cares enough to plan dates, or that I don’t listen to your interests. That’s all. Besides, karaoke at home isn’t the same as going out in public.”

Honestly, it had been better. Because it was just the two of them, and Emma had done this entire set up forher. And she’d saidthat’s all, like she wasn’t being insanely sweet and more romantic than anyone else had ever been in Regan’s life!

Then, best of all, Emma had – after two margaritas – finally let loose and started really singing, too.

She wanted to talk about how, on Tuesday, Emma had watched her work on her latest map for the D&D commission she’d received, and how it had made her feel important and sheepish and swept up, as Emma asked her questions and seemed totally, completely into it. Intoher.

She wanted to share how they’d taken to cuddling in close on the couch while they watched tv together every night.

She… okay, well, she didn’t really want to tell her sister about the sexual aspects, but she wanted to revel in it, still. In the hot, wanting, needy make-outs that always inevitably started after they were cuddling together. About how she’d never felt so fucking turned on in her life as she did when Emma’s mouth was on hers or on her neck, feeling how their bodies slotted together so perfectly. How they grinded into each other like horny teenagers, and how Regan never wanted to stop.

She definitely did not plan on telling her sister about how the only reason they evermanagedto stop was because she knew what would take place after she and Emma parted ways for the night. That they’d masturbated while on the phone with each other every night for the last five nights. How she was fuckingthrilledto go to her own bedroom, because she was already so turned on and soaking wet from their cuddling and kissing and touching.

She’d never in her life imagined she’d have such an active sex life without actuallyhaving sexwith someone.

And… okay, shemightwant to shout from the rooftops that she and Emma then slept together, in her bed, afterwards. That Emma was always the person that initiated their sleeping and cuddling together. That she’d woken up wrapped up in Emma every morning since their first date, and she’d never felt like her world was so on fire, before.

Blinking herself out of her thoughts, Regan reached for her wine glass and took a big sip. Hoping, somehow, that she could control herself from getting turned on by the mere thought of Emma while sitting across from her sister in this swanky wine bar.

“It’s… kind of new,” she settled on, darting her gaze at her sister. “But it’s amazing.” She inhaled deeply, wondering how this next part was going to go. “She’samazing.”

Holding her breath, Regan waited for Audrey’s response.

Which came in pieces.

First, Audrey’s frown. Then, the widening of her eyes. Then the tilting of her head. And finally, she refocused on Regan, intently. “She?”

Regan exhaled the breath she’d been holding. “Yep. She. She who is named Emma.”

“Huh. Okay.” Audrey shrugged, taking another sip of her wine. “And she’s your girlfriend?”

Flattening her hand on top of the bar, Regan leaned in, confused. “That’s it? No other reaction to finding out I’m with a woman?”

Audrey narrowed her eyes. “What do you want me to say?”

“I don’t know! Are you surprised?” She pressed, unable to quell how baffled she was at her strait-laced sister being so nonchalant about this. After all, it had thrown Regan, herself, for a freaking loop.

“Should I be?” Audrey challenged. “As far as I knew until one minute ago, the only deep and meaningful relationship you’ve ever had is with Sutton. So, no. I’m not surprised.”

Regan slouched back, running Audrey’s words over in her mind, and… “Yeah, okay. That makes sense.” She rolled her lips, needing to ask, “And you don’t care? You’re fine with this?”