Swiftly, she turned around to face Regan’s closed door. Reganwashome, then. And was… in her room? This early? It wasn’t even eight o’clock. What –
A long, throaty moan reached Emma’s ears, followed by the very distinct sound of panting breaths.
“Yes, fuck,” she heard next, and that was most definitely Regan’s voice.
The realization of what was happening in Regan’s room had Emma’s heart start to race, her blood rushing in her ears, and she quickly turned to go into her room, only to bang her head right into the door, as she’d forgotten that she hadn’t already opened it.
Emma couldn’t even feel the dull ache on her forehead, as she stood, numb, in the middle of her bedroom.
There was no denying the fact that Regan was in her room right across the hall, having sex right now. The moans were undeniable, the vocalizations growing louder and more frequent by the fucking second, and Emma could hearevery single moment, even with her door closed!
As quickly as she’d entered, Emma turned and literally ran back down the hallway and into the kitchen, where she hadn’t been able to hear anything.
She braced her hands on the sink, trying to take deep breaths, and sort through the barrage of feelings swamping her.
The voice – that haddefinitelybeen Regan. It had been distinctly her voice, even if Emma had never heard her sound like that, before. So… wanton and raspy and needy and –
She swallowed hard, shaking her head and trying to stop the arousal that shot through her. Regan had sounded fucking hot, though, and there was no denying that, and Emma kept hearing it.
Yes, fuck. Yes, fuck. Yes, fuck.
The only thing that worked to stop this feeling from taking over was the fact that Regan was in there, having sex with someone else. Maybe a woman? If Emma had to judge based on those moans that she’d kept hearing in her room.
What the hell was that about?
Just yesterday, Regan was holding Emma’s hand, professing to have such serious feelings for her, telling Emma that she was the only person that had ever made her feel this way, and today she was – she was intheirapartment, having sex with someone?!
Emma needed to get out of here.
Yes, that was the only thing that made sense.
Her wallet and phone were… somewhere. In her room, maybe? Emma didn’t remember dropping them on her dresser in their usual spot, but she didn’t have them in her pockets, so she must have done so.
No way in hell was she going back down that hall, though, so –
She turned, ready to flee the apartment with only her keys…
Only to come face-to-face with Regan.
Who seemed to notice her at the same time, coming to an abrupt halt as she walked into the kitchen. “Emma!”
Her voice was high and still slightly out of breath, and everything inside of Emma was at war deciding if she was more turned on by that fact or upset by it.
Regan’s cheeks were flushed –glowing, even, and Emma’s stomach turned – and her hair was messy with obvious bedhead. She stood in front of Emma in only a black sports bra and a tiny pair of cotton shorts, something she’d very obviously just thrown on.
“Hmm,” was all she could manage in return, with her heart in her throat.
God, what waswrongwith her?
Regan could do whatever she wanted; she could have sex with anyone she wanted, especially in her own home, in her own room. It was none of Emma’s business.
And still, it didn’t stop her fromfeelinglike it was, and Emma hated this. She hated it, desperately.
“I… ha,” Regan chuckled, and it was the most uncomfortable Emma had ever seen her. “I, uh, didn’t realize you were home, yet.”
“Just got here,” she replied, shortly. She felt breathless, herself.
“Great!” Regan nodded with the word, eyes brightening. “Good. Great. That’s good. I was just coming to get a glass of water.”