Page 103 of The Snowball Effect


“Really,I’m justsograteful, Regan. You have no idea,” Kimberly effused for at least the tenth time on their phone call. “I have no idea what I would have done otherwise. And Everly is ecstatic that you’re going to be the one making the cake! And that you and Emma are coming to the party!”

Regan was slightly out of breath as she responded, “I’m excited, too! I just – I need you to know, again, that I don’t have any professional experience with this–”

“You’ll be amazing. Really, without you, my daughter would be having a ninth birthday without a cake, and we’d be hosting a horde of elementary schoolers at a party without any desserts! And all of the sample pictures you sent me last night looked delicious.”

Kimberly wasn’t shy about her praise, and Regan found herself soaking it in, even as she ran down the street, dodging in and out of people as she finally approached the Fox and Hyde Hotel doors.

“Sorry to cut this a little short, Kimberly, but I really have to go. Text me, though!”

“Okay! I’ll see you and Emma next weekend!”

Regan simultaneously disconnected the call and slowed her pace as she walked through the doors into the blessedly air-conditioned lobby.

She hadn’t known what she’d been getting into yesterday when she’d agreed to make the desserts for Everly’s birthday party with only a week of notice. All she’d known was that itdidsound like a fun challenge and, mostly, she’d found that she didn’t want to say no to Sherry.

She wanted Emma’s grandmother to like her. To approve of her.

And she’d wanted Emma to feel proud about being with her, even if it wasn’t real. To Emma’s family, Regan was Emma’s girlfriend. And Regan had realized yesterday just how seriously she’d taken that title on.

It made her feel good about herself to be able to jump in and help Emma’s family in a crisis. It made her feel like these people – those who loved Emma and wanted the best for her – could think that Reganwasthat person.

It made her feel even better to know that Emma might think so, too. That she would think that Regan was dependable. Even if her baking wasn’t a serious career, it was a skill Regan possessed, something she brought to the table that people could be impressed by.

And she wanted, she’d realized, for Emma to be impressed.

Regan – 11:01 AM

Off the phone with your mom. Apparently, Everly has a deep enjoyment of unicorns? First time making a unicorn cake, but I’m going to give it my all. Think I can manage it?

That was the other thing – she didn’tneedto text that bit of information to Emma. Emma didn’t necessarily need to knowit, but Regan wanted to tell her. She wanted to open a line of communication with Emma, like, all of the time.

Emma – 11:02 AM

Somehow, it really speaks of the perfect Regan vibe to me

Regan grinned at her phone, her stomach sparking with a pleased warmth at Emma’s reply. And though she wasitchingto answer immediately, she realized she was only a few feet away from her sister.

Who was watching her expectantly.

Disappointed that her texting with Emma would have to be cut off for now, Regan reluctantly tucked her phone into her back pocket. It was all right, she reasoned with herself, because she would be able to see Emma at home, later.

Slowly, she approached the table. Only to pause as she went to pull out the chair opposite Audrey as she realized, “Um… why are there only two chairs at this table?” She pointed at Audrey, then to her own chair, then circled her index finger to gesture at the small table that was clearly only appointed for a pair.

“Because it’s only you and I having brunch…?” Audrey responded as ifReganwere being ridiculously obtuse.

“What do you mean, it’s only you and I for brunch?” Regan asked, unable to connect whatever dots she was being presented with in a way that made sense.

“Exactly what I said.” Audrey leaned back in her chair, folding her arms over her lap as she flicked her eyes down at the chair Regan was still clutching the back of. “Are you going to sit down or not?”

“I don’t know.” Regan glimpsed down at her empty chair as well, wondering if there was some joke being played on her. A whoopie cushion? No, Audrey would rather die than sit throughthat in a public place. A scorpion? No, there was no way Audrey could have made it stay still for so long. Besides, her sister’s barbs were always more mental than physical.

Audrey sighed, a frown tugging at her mouth. “If you’re going to be so ridiculous, then we can just go home and forget about this; you’re already late, anyway.”

“I’m nottryingto be ridiculous!” Regan shot back before she plunked herself down in the chair. “And it’s only by two freaking minutes.”

She was giving up texting with Emma – being home with Emma! – for this. Whateverthiswas.