Page 40 of The Evernight Court

She raised her thin brows. “Are you going to tell on me?”

“Who would I tell?” Not like I knew anyone here.

She paused for a second. “Um…the Evernights?”

I flinched. If she only knew… “No, I won’t tell the Evernights about you. I just want to know your name.”

It was like I’d said the most surprising thing she’d ever heard in her life, but she recovered quickly. Straightening her shoulders, she said, “I’m Quinn Adringer. At your service.” And she bowed her head to me deeply.

At your service.

So, thiswas what power really looked like. WhatGrey’spower looked like.

All I’d had to do was say his name and people bowed their heads.

And you know what—I was going to shamelessly take advantage of it right now, simply because I might never get another chance like this.

“Okay, Quinn Adringer. I saw what you did there with that guy, how you caught the arrow.” She said nothing. “You wanted this, didn’t you?” I showed her the bag of coins in my hand. “Teach me how to move like that and it’s yours.”

Again, it was like I’d said the most absurd thing she’d ever heard in her life. “Are you…are youjoking?”

“Not at all. I want to learn how to fight like that. If you teach me, I’ll give you this.” And again, I showed her the bag of coins.

Another loaded pause as she looked at it, and I could have sworn Ireadthe greed in those wide blue eyes. “That’s a lot of money.”

And it probably was. But what the hell did I need money for in the castle? Not like I paid for food or rent or anything. And besides, there was another bag full of coins just like this in Grey’s office in case I needed it.

“I know,” I lied. “And it’s all yours if you teach me.”

She didn’t want to believe me. I saw it in the way shenarrowed her brows, the way she looked at me, then the bag, then at me again. So confused. “Butwhy?”

“Because I want to learn how to protect myself.”

That seemed funny to her. She smiled. “You’re an Evernight bri—wife,” she corrected. “Who’s gonna dare try to hurtyou?”

She was absolutely right. Ifshebehaved like this in my presence, I had no doubt that everyone else in this town would do the same.

The problem was, I didn’t need protection from other people. I needed protection from the Evernight brothers themselves.

Stepping closer to her, I said, “I want to learn how to fight, Quinn. You can teach me for this money, or you can walk away right now. I won’t stop you. I won’t tell on you. The choice is yours.” My voice didn’t waver.

But on the inside, I wasscreamingat her, begging to say yes. On the inside, I was praying with my whole being that this was the break I’d needed since my whole life turned upside down once more.

“You’reserious,” she finally whispered, and I swear she was half-convinced I was a damn alien.

“Yes, I am. Very serious.” Because if I could fight the way she’d just fought that guy, if I was good enough tocatchan arrow in my hand before it came for me, then I would be able to see the Evernights coming for me from a mile away, at least. I’d be able to fight them off me when they lost their patience with me and came to claim what they thought was theirs—which was going to happen sooner rather than later. I wasn’t delusional anymore. I knew where I was, what I was dealing with,whoI was up against. They were coming for me, and if I didn’t use every means I could find to protect myself, I wasn’t going to make it.

I sighed as Quinn continued to look at me, opened hermouth to say something, then apparently thought better of it and closed it again.

“Listen, Quinn, this isn’t a fucking joke. My life depends on my ability to protect myself—quite literally. I’m offering you this job because I saw you fighting, but if you don’t want to do it, I’ll find someone else who will. Do you understand?” I raised the coin bag again—thathad been the reason she’d set that trap for me in the first place. It should serve as her biggest motivation. “Someone else will get all this money. Not you.”

Her eyes light up like fireworks went off inside her head. Before the second was over, she was in front of me, and she grabbed the bag lightning fast.

“I’m in. The money’s mine. I’m in. You’ve got yourself a deal, Grey’s wife.”

Music to my fucking ears. “The name is Fall.”

“Let me guess—you’re thenewbride,” she said, but before I could correct her, she added, “Wife!I mean, you’re the new wife.” She grinned mischievously. “The one Grey Evernight was banished for.”