He must have been out of his mind. “Nobody,” I said, wrapping my hands around his neck so I could pull him to me and kiss him again. He let me, but only for a second.
“My brothers, they?—”
“No,” I cut him off, and despite the absurdity of his words, I was smiling.
I was fucking smiling because the idea that Grey thought I could be with someone else—especially his fucking brothers—was absolutely ridiculous.
His eyes squeezed shut and he groaned when I rubbed myself against his cock. “I know you thought I was dead,” he finally said, and he sounded desperate. He soundeddefeated.
My heart fucking broke for him, for whatever was going on in his head. I kissed him again, slowly this time. And as much as I wanted to explain everything to him right now, I held myself back.
“I did, but that’s never going to make a difference. There was nobody else and there never will be, no matter what happens tomorrow.”
Grey leaned his head back and looked into my eyes as if he wanted to see the truth in them. I wasn’t hiding—I let him. I meant what I said, anyway.
And he saw it.
The next second, his tongue was in my mouth and his cock was inside me all the way.
It was heaven.
Grey fucked me against the cave’s wall while the water trickled fast behind him. Eventually we stopped kissing and touching, and we just held onto each other, our need too urgent. There would be time for everything else. Right now, we just focused on the way we connected, the way we became one so effortlessly, until we were whispering each other’s name, lost in ecstasy.
It wasn’t just how he felt physically, but how he looked at me. How he grabbed my face and kept me in front of him a moment before he let go. How he said my name. How it was easy to just be in my skin when I was in his arms.
I let go, too, a second after, wanting to experience everything with him again. He held me to his chest and kept moving, thrusting himself deeper and deeper inside me as the waves of the orgasm went through my body, making it last a long time.
Fuck, I’d forgotten. In such a short time, I’d forgotten what it was like to be with him, and now that he was here, I decided I’d go to fucking war before I let him get out of mysight again. I’d challenge the universe itself if it tried to get in my way.
Grey was mine, banishment or not. And if I had to burn down this entire Isle with my own hands to free us from it, I would.
We stayedunderneath those small streams of water coming from the ceiling for a little while, letting them clean us up. Then Grey led me closer to the fire, and with a wave of his hand it grew bigger, the heat of it turning up so that our skins were dry a minute in. Then he dried our clothes, too, just like that—with magic. And I guess I could have helped him now that I had some of it inside me, but I was content just to watch him move and blink and…exist.
“You’re alive.”
I’d said it before, and I’d probably say it again another few times until I fully convinced myself that it was real.
“And you’re here,” Grey said as he stepped in front of me to put his cardigan over my shoulders. He sounded just as shocked at his own words as I was at mine, and he kept repeating them together with me. “I’ve imagined you here so many times. I’m terrified you’re not real.”
“I am. I’m very real, I promise.” I smiled and my poor heart about melted into goo. He grabbed the jacket I’d had on—hisjacket and placed it on the stone floor of the cave, then took my hand and pulled me to sit on it. I did, not feeling awkward in the least to be half naked with him. He only had his boxers on, and when we sat down on his jacket, he turned down the fire again with such ease.
“Talk to me,” Grey said, pulling me under his arm, and I snuggled in instantly, hiding my face on his neck. Fuck, he smelled like Grey. No fragrance, no nothing—just his skin.
“I missed you, Grey. I thought you were dead. I thought I was never going to see you again,” I said because that’s all I could think about still. The fact that I was here, despite going through hell just to make it—and it had all been worth it.
He squeezed me to his chest, then pulled me on his lap, and his wings came out of him again, cocooning me between them like he did once in his bedroom.
God, that seemed like such a long time ago.
“How?” Grey said, one arm around my waist, the other on my face, fingers caressing my cheek as he looked down at my every feature, analyzing me. “How did you get here, Fall? How?”
“I saw you,” I said, raising my own hand to touch his face. The beard looked good on him, but it would have to go as soon as I found a pair of scissors. I wanted to see his face. All of his face. “I was hiding in the mirror room, and I heard Romin and Emil talking after Valentine got himself banished. They were looking at the eighth mirror, the one I was told was broken, the one that never shows anything, and they were talking about the Eighth Isle. When they left, I sat there and looked at it, and then light flashed and I saw your silhouette.”
Grey’s brows shot up. “You saw my silhouette?”
I nodded. “You had your wings half spread and you were standing on rocks. It was just a flash and it was over quickly, so I didn’t really catch any details.” My fingertips traced his lips hiding behind the dark hair of his beard.
“How did you know it was me?”