She pressed a kiss to the base of his throat and reluctantly removed herself from him to survey the damage that had been caused. Her friends were gathered around Joey's prone form. The snow around him was turning a deep shade of red. Dani's arm was bent at an odd angle as tears slid down her face and she sobbed forcefully. The right side of Melissa's face was a large bruise that had already turned the color of a ripe plum. She was balancing like a flamingo as she hovered over Annabelle working on Joey.

Annabelle shook back her strawberry curls as she sat back on her heels. "There's nothing I can do."

Dani's shoulders shook, she was struggling to breathe as she rested her hand on her brother's still chest. Julian and Chris gathered near them as Cassie hurried to help Annabelle with the healing of her friends. She knelt in front of Dani and tenderly took hold of her arm.

"I'm sorry," she told her as a familiar heat slid from the tips of her fingers and into Dani's arm. Joey had tried to kill her, but in the end he had come around to their side, and been an asset in the battle. Dani had betrayed them, but Cassie knew the girl wasn't evil at heart; she had simply been confused and misguided. Cassie meant the words as spoke them to the heartbroken girl. "I'm sorry for your loss, but we're still here for you."

Tears continued to slide down Dani's face; she bit into her bottom lip as she managed a small nod. Cassie rejoined the bones in her arm, squeezed it comfortingly and rose to her feet. Annabelle was working on Melissa's face when Matthew stopped a few feet away from them. Cassie knew why The Elder had come here; she could feel it radiating from him as he stared imploringly at her.

Cassie approached him cautiously, she didn't know if she was ready for this, but she didn't have a choice. "You know why I'm here," he said.

She swallowed heavily before nodding. "I do."

"A force of good," he breathed. "It was all I aspired to see in the end."

Her throat clogged as a single tear slid down her face. Even if she had chosen the wrong path, Matthew had wanted to be here to see. There was only one thing he sought from his life anymore.

He took hold of her hand and patted it between both of his. More images of her future filled her head, but these ones weren't frightening and overwhelming. These were kind and peaceful as they revealed to her a future so bright that even an eternity of having to live in the shadows couldn't darken it.

"Peace," Matthew whispered before he released her hand. "The sun is coming." Cassie looked toward the horizon as the night sky started to lighten at the far edges. A tendril of apprehension crept down her spine. "Go child."

Cassie hesitated, she didn't want to leave him here knowing what he intended, but this was his life and his choice to make. He'd had enough of it years ago but it had been a vision of her, and of hope against Zane, that had kept him in this world. Even still...

"You can come with us."

Julian cursed as he shook his head disapprovingly. Matthew smiled indulgently at her. "No, my journey is done."

"Thank you." It seemed like such an inadequate thing to say but she had no other words for him. No other solace to give to the tormented man.

Turning away from Matthew she took hold of Devon's hand as he hurried her toward the house. He shepherded her inside as the first rays of the day broke over top of the trees. She turned to look out the window as Matthew held his arms out to the dawn. A halo of light encircled him; he was aglow in the aura of warmth that he hadn't been able to enjoy for hundreds of years. His eyes closed as he tilted his chin up to silently embrace the rays that lit his body on fire and turned it to ash.

Gabriel tottered over to her and held up his arms. She bent down and scooped him up. The delightful scent of him, and the comforting feel of his chubby arms, caused more tears to slide down her face as she hugged him against her. Devon slid his arm around her waist and pulled the both of them against his chest. Smiling, Gabriel poked Devon's nose when he rested his chin on her shoulder and smiled at the little boy.

For the first time in four years a feeling of serenity crept through her. She'd found her home in Devon and everyone else gathered within this room. It was still going to be difficult, they would have to find a place to stay and raise the children, but they had each other and she knew they could get through anything together.

She kissed Devon's cheek and smiled at him as his emerald eyes merrily twinkled back at her. Yes, this was where she belonged, where she always would belong. Barnacle cuddled up against her, rested his head on her shoulder, and closed his eyes.


Cassie placed the last picture in the box and closed the lid. She barely glanced around the room that had once been hers as she hefted the box in her arms and carried it to the front door. Julian took it from her and carried it out to the RV they had purchased for this journey. Chris met her in the hallway with another box full of photos. He'd been avoiding going to his house, but there was no avoiding it anymore.

"Are you ready?" she inquired.

He frowned as he glanced anxiously across the street. "Yes."

"I'll stay here." Devon kissed her cheek and took the box from Chris.

Cassie nodded and took hold of Chris's hand as she braced herself to face his mother. "There's nothing over there I need," he muttered.

"I know, but you have to talk to her. Maybe even offer to let her come with us. She at least has to know you're still alive."

"She's probably barely noticed I was even gone, I don't think she cares if I'm alive."

Cassie wanted to argue with him but she wasn't sure he was wrong. They walked across the street and climbed the steps of the dilapidated porch. The screen door creaked as he opened it for her to enter the screened porch. There was a strange car in the drive but that was nothing new. There didn't appear to be a party going on though as music wasn't shaking the foundation. Chris hesitated before knocking on the door.


"This has never really been my home Cass."

Cassie braced herself as footsteps hurried across the worn rug within. The door was flung open, and Mary's smile faded when spotted them. Waves of distress radiated from Chris, Cassie had to shut herself off to the emotions he was emitting before she was buried beneath them. Mary's hazel eyes widened and for a moment Cassie thought she was going to slam the door in their faces.

Chris's shoulders hunched like he was preparing himself for a blow. "Hi Mom," he greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Mary glanced over her shoulder before moving a little closer to them and closing the door more. Cassie's nose scrunched as the stench of whiskey wafted over her.