It took twenty minutes before the car was loaded down with enough food, blood, water, weapons, and clothing to last them for awhile. No one was coming back here once the Halfling's were taken care of. Devon hung back as the lost box was placed into the cargo area of the SUV.

"How are we going to do this?" Julian asked as he appeared beside him. Julian's mouth was pinched, his eyes as remorseless as the ice they resembled.

"We'll keep pace with the vehicle," Devon answered.

"And Cassie?"

"Will stay with me."

Julian nodded as he gazed at the group huddled around the SUV. Cassie stood to the side, flanked by Luther, Melissa and Chris. Though they didn't understand, and were frightened by what was happening to her, they were her ever faithful friends and they steadfastly showed their support when the others shied away from her.

"She shot fire out of her hands," Devon told him.

"I know, I saw her do it," Julian retorted.

Julian had seen the visions that Cassie had received from Matthew, he knew better than anyone exactly what it was that Cassie could become. "No, she did it again today, when the Halflings attacked."

Julian's dark brows shot all the way into his platinum blond hair. "I thought it was only after she touched a person. That was the way it seemed anyway. That was what she thought even. Only after immediate contact with a person did she have the ability to use their powers, and once she touched someone else it was gone. Luther had never heard of such an ability before, but even he was willing to accept it. He was confused and fascinated by it, but this..." he broke off as he glanced back at her. "This Devon, this is different."

"I know."

"This means..."

"I know what it means Julian. I know more than anyone else what this means."

"Matthew's words..." Devon hadn't been able to get Matthew's words out of his head since Matthew had uttered them. They smashed constantly around his brain like a ricocheting bullet in a steel room. "I saw what Matthew saw, I saw what Cassie saw. I would like for the vision of goodness to be right. She has always been more light than dark, but there is a darkness in her that has been trying to take control for awhile now."

"I know," Devon murmured, resenting the fact that Julian was expressing every one of his worst nightmares.

"And now..."

"The darkness is stronger and there is more of it in her. Now we have created a vampire." Devon grit his teeth, his hands fisted as rage briefly boiled through him. He knew it was Julian's blood that had completed the change, but no matter how badly he longed to beat him into a bloody pulp for giving her even more of his blood, she wouldn't be here if he hadn't. Julian had also made the choice not to keep her for himself when he could have. All of Devon's remaining doubts about Julian had faded when he'd given Cassie back to him.

"With apparently unlimited power and we both know what any vampire is capable of. We both know how much of a battle it is to keep the demon restrained under normal circumstances."

Devon folded his arms over his chest as he studied Cassie. She still appeared so innocent and loving, still appeared the same. But he knew that beneath her beautiful, angelic façade, there was a new demon with a craving for blood and power. "We have to get her out of this town."

"The Halflings?" Julian inquired.

"We'll take care of the last two, but we have to get her out of here before Zane comes back for her. If he gets a hold of her, of any of us, he will destroy her if he can't control her."

"Agreed," Julian said.

Liam waved them over when the last cooler of blood was tossed into the cargo hold. Devon strode over to Cassie and nodded to Chris and Melissa as he drew her into his arms. "You guys will ride in the Caddy with Luther, Dani, Joey, and Patrick. We'll keep pace with you on the way to the motel."

Melissa and Chris nodded before turning away. The plastic bag covering the broken back window rattled in the wind as Chris opened the door. "You are to stay by my side," Devon ordered gruffly.

Cassie tilted her head to the side as she gave him an amused grin. "Yes sir, captain sir," she replied teasingly.

"I'm not kidding Cass."

Her smile slid away as her hands clasped hold of his. "I know. I'll stay with you, I promise."

Luther climbed behind the wheel of the SUV; his gray eyes appeared even larger behind his glasses as he briefly met Devon's gaze before closing the door. The contingency of vampires kept pace with the vehicle as it wound its way through the nearly deserted town.


The shower was one of the best things that Cassie had felt in a long time. The water was as hot as she could stand it as it pounded against her aching, sore body. But even over the rushing spray of water, she could hear Devon, Luther, and Julian talking in the room. She'd intended to climb out of the shower earlier, but she knew that they would stop talking the minute the water turned off.

She couldn't get every word of the conversation, but what she did get was enough to reinforce her knowledge that they were scared of what she was capable of, of what she would become if she chose the wrong path.

Cassie didn't strain to hear them; she simply tuned her ears and focused on their words. She was acutely aware of every separate drop of water as it hit her skin. As a Hunter she had been able to hear and see exceptionally well, always had, but now it was even more acute and attuned. It had become even more enhanced after consuming Devon's blood. Cassie shuddered as she recalled the sweet, delicious taste of his blood and the power that had filled her from it.

Tired of the water, and their conversation, she stepped free of the shower. Just as she had known they would, they became silent. Cassie shook her head as she toweled and dressed quickly in a fresh set of clothes before brushing her hair out. Julian and Devon were leaning against the wall on either side of the door. Luther was sitting precariously on the edge of the bed.

Luther's graying brown hair was standing on end from anxiously pulling at it. She kept her face impassive, trying not to reveal that she'd heard what they'd said. "Have you come up with a plan?" she asked.

Julian and Devon exchanged a look; Luther was staring at his clasped hands. "The plan is to get you out of this town as soon as possible," Devon responded.

"To get all of us out of this town as soon as possible," Cassie insisted. Luther finally looked up at her. "We are not splitting up again." Her hands clenched as she glared at all of them before settling on Devon. He had promised her that they wouldn't split up again, not after what had happened last time. "You promised."