"You both desired the change to occur."

"Not that way Julian, she never should have died like that."

Julian nodded as he folded his arms over his chest. "You're right; it shouldn't have been like that."

"Robert will pay for it. I'll have his deadened heart in my hand by the time this is all said and done."

Julian's lips quirked into a twisted smile as his eyes fairly sparkled. "You say things like that, and yet it's her we're all fearful of. She's done nothing premeditated."

Devon paced a few feet away, his gaze focused on the woods as he thought over Julian's words. "Matthew's vision..."

"I believe she's right Devon. I think it has more to do with you, and perhaps even the rest of us, than with anything inside of her. We all saw what you were able to do when you thought that she was dead, what do you think she would be capable of doing with all of her abilities?"

"Absolute power..."

"But it's not absolute. She has many weaknesses still. You, me, her friends, these children, the sun can all bring her down. She's not indestructible Devon. We don't know what she would do if one of her loved ones was brutalized and destroyed, but I do believe that you could bring her back from those deaths if they occur," Julian continued. "I don't think we can bring her back from yours."

Devon moved away from the window and back toward the center of the room. "You've become a wise man Julian."

Julian's canines flashed as he laughed harshly. "I've been called many things in my extensive life, but wise has never been one of them."

Despite their awful situation Devon felt himself smiling at Julian's words. "I believe it."

"You have to accept her Devon, she's unstable now, frightened, and you're the only one that can ease that fear. You're the only that can reach her."

Devon stared at the ceiling above his head. Julian was right. He had to accept the fact that Cassie had died and what had risen in her place was a much more powerful version that still loved him with everything she was. She had never been frightened of him even at his most volatile and ruthless. Her faith in him had never wavered and he owed her that same respect and dedication.

"Why didn't you say this sooner?" he asked.

"I may be wise but I'm not the brightest. It's taken me awhile to come to understand exactly what is going on with her, and what she is. I'm not as close to this as you are so eventually I was able to take a step back and see that though she has killed, she's not what Matthew envisioned, at least not yet. I love her, but the two of you are so entwined that it's almost impossible for you to see past her fright because it's yours too."

"We're not ready to face The Elders though," Devon said.

"Maybe not right now, but we're going to have to make a stand soon. We can't have this hanging over our heads much longer. It's going to make us all crazy, never mind what it's going to do to the endless solar panel upstairs." Julian pointed above him with one hand as he made the crazy gesture with his index finger beside his right temple.

Devon shook his head as he rolled his eyes at him. "Is that what you're going to call her from now on?" Devon didn't think Cassie would exactly appreciate that one either.

"Well she is absorbing powers like one, but I think I prefer Buttercup."

"I think I'd prefer solar panel," Devon muttered.

"You would."

A small sound outside the door caught his attention. He sensed Cassie even before he slid the parlor door open. She was standing on the bottom step, her golden hair a tumbled mess around her shoulders and her eyes still swollen with sleep. At her side was the small boy that had been with her in the kitchen. He was sucking his thumb as he held her hand and studied Devon from eyes that seemed far older than his apparent three or four years.

No one had escaped from that town unscathed. Though Julian said the children hadn't been tortured, they had been born in that town, raised within it, and there was no way to know what had been done to them. How different they may all be on a cellular level.

The child unnerved him but he seemed fond of Cassie and she seemed content to have him beside her as she smiled beautifully at Devon. "What are you two discussing?" she inquired.

"We were planning on leaving tonight and going further north," Devon informed her.

Cassie nodded as her gaze drifted toward the front door. "How will we get the children out of here?"

"There's a van in the garage we'll use until we can find another vehicle."

Cassie knelt at the child's side. "Are you ok with that Gabriel?"

He popped his thumb out of his mouth as he nodded. "None of us like it here."

"Gabriel?" Julian inquired.

"It's his name," she informed him. "Though I prefer Barnacle."

"I suppose both are acceptable, Solar."

Cassie's eyebrows shot into her hairline as she frowned at him. "Solar?"

"Yeah I don't like that either, even if you do prefer it," Julian informed Devon as he slipped past him. "I was just trying a new nickname, but don't worry you're still Buttercup to me."

Julian's laughter trailed down the hall as Devon and Cassie scowled after him. "How are you feeling?" Devon inquired.


"Your wounds?"

Cassie knelt at Gabriel's side again. "Luther's in that room over there, why don't you see if he can find you something to eat." Gabriel nodded as he climbed awkwardly down the last step and headed down the hall to where the others were gathered. Cassie waited to make sure he was out of earshot before she turned back to him. "They're healed. The blood may have been drugged but it helped me too."

"You did the right thing Cassie." She remained unblinking with her hand upon the newel. "I would have done the same thing."

"But I'm different than you and any other vampire."

"You're not. Well you are, but you're not. You're more in control of yourself than you realize, than even I realized. Don't fear what's inside of you Cassie. It will become your greatest ally, it will save us all."


"No." He took a step closer and rested his hand on top of hers. "No buts Cassie. You'll get through this, we both will, together." Tears shimmered in her eyes; he wiped away the one that slid down her face. "I'm not afraid of it Cassie and you shouldn't be either."

"You're not," she whispered. "You're really not."

He smiled as he rested his forehead against hers and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "No, I'm not."