She smiled at Devon before turning back to the lives unfolding around her. A waitress appeared, she took Chris and Melissa's orders, but her attention was mostly divided between ogling Devon and Julian. Cassie frowned at her but the woman conveniently ignored her. One thing she hadn't missed about being out in the world was the women that constantly threw themselves at Devon.

Melissa chuckled and ducked her head as Cassie shot her a fierce look. Chris innocently stared across the room as he twiddled his thumbs and fought back a smile. Cassie rolled her eyes in aggravation and pulled Devon's hand into her lap as she fought the urge to bite the woman. Devon finally lost the battle with his own smile and grinned at her he leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek.

The waitress simply shifted her full attention to Julian, who invitingly smiled back at her and winked devilishly. Cassie fought the urge to kick Julian under the table; there was no reason to torment the obviously infatuated girl. It took a little while but eventually the woman tore herself away to take care of the other tables.

Cassie frowned as she realized that there were a lot of people watching them. "Apparently they don't like strangers here."

Devon leaned closer to her to block out the restaurant behind him. "That's not why they're staring love."

Cassie glanced questioningly back at him. "Then why?"

"Because you have two hot Elders and a hot female vamp sitting here. Not to mention two Hunters who seem to have an ability to attract people to them also. We are quite simply irresistible right now princess," Julian drawled in amusement.

Chris and Melissa stared around the restaurant and then Chris began to grin. "Yeah we are," he agreed enthusiastically. "There are some nice pickings here too."

"There is no time for that," Melissa told him.

Chris grinned as leaned back in the booth and tossed his arm around the back of it to survey the crowd. "There is always time for that," Chris retorted. "Ow!" he cried and rubbed his chest after Melissa twisted his nipple.

"Pig," she muttered as Cassie and Devon laughed at him.

Julian remained unmoving with his arms folded over his chest. He leaned back in his chair and rocked it on its two back legs as he surveyed the room. Cassie found it easier to ignore the stares as she leaned against Devon. The waitress returned with Chris and Melissa's food, she placed two drafts before Devon and Julian and a shot of whiskey for Julian. Cassie accepted her water.

She hadn't been sure what to order but she was curious to see what water tasted like now. Pulling the glass over to her, she pulled the paper off the straw and popped it in her mouth. She hesitated before taking a small sip. It was cool, and almost exactly how she remembered it, except it didn't fill her in any way, or quench her thirst. She frowned as she stared at it and rotated the glass within her hands.

"It's different," she murmured.

Julian plopped his chair down, grabbed his shot and gulped it in one swallow. "That's the reason we stick to the high test and blood. There's no reason to drink if there's no joy to it, and if it does nothing for you."

"Excuse me?"

Julian pushed the beer toward her. "Vamps still get drunk princess, but the rest of the liquid world falls short. Food still tastes good, but not as good as blood does, so we see no reason to eat it anymore. Though I still enjoy a good steak and pizza once in awhile, I do have taste buds after all. Drink up."

Cassie stared at him in surprise but she was relieved to know she could still have cheese cake, sour gummy bears, and mac and cheese. She glanced down at the mug he had set before her. "I'm not old enough," she stammered out.

"Princess, you aren't getting any older and those laws don't apply to you anymore."

"Of course they do."

Julian grinned at her as he shook his hair back. "Nah, not many laws apply to you anymore, except for metaphysical ones maybe."


"Take a sip princess it won't kill you."

She glanced at Devon, who was watching Julian attentively, his body rigid against hers. Cassie shrugged as she took hold of the mug of beer. If someone came over to kick her out or arrest her then at least she or Devon could make them go away. She felt like living precariously right now though, even if it was just beer, and it was just a small thrill.

She took a sip and was pleased to note that the beer didn't taste awful either. In fact, it had a pleasant burn as it worked its way through her system. She drained the entire mug before she even realized it was empty. Placing it on the table she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she stared at the empty glass.

"That was actually good," she remarked.

Julian chuckled as he signaled for the waitress again. "I couldn't tell by the empty mug. Would you like another?"

Cassie briefly contemplated it. It had tasted good, and there was a pleasant warming sensation in her belly, but it wouldn't be a good idea if she got drunk tonight. It had been awhile since she'd had any alcohol, anymore might push her over the edge, and she wasn't eager to find out what would happen then.

She shook her head regretfully. "That's a shame princess; you should start embracing the perks of this life, instead of constantly being thrust into the shadows of it. You'll enjoy it more."

She already felt somewhat tipsy as he blurred a little before her. "I will," she told him.

Julian grinned at her as the waitress arrived at his side with another beer. Melissa shook her head; Chris was barely paying attention to anything other than his meatball sub. Cassie turned away as she tried to ignore the buzzing in her head.

The conversations swirled throughout the room, people laughed and talked merrily as food and drinks were handed out. A band came in the back door, carrying their equipment with them as they headed toward the stage in the corner. "What day is it?" she inquired.

"Friday," Devon told her.

"It's all so fantastically normal," she whispered.

"It is."

She watched as the band set up, fascinated by their assured movements as they brought their instruments out. She smiled when they began to test the sound, suddenly eager to hear what type of music they played. "We should probably get going."

Cassie's attention was brought back to the table as Chris threw his napkin on top of his plate and pushed it away. She didn't want to go back into the world and leave behind this little reprieve they had found. Devon threw money on the table before sliding out of the booth. He held his hand out to her and helped her out. She stumbled slightly and grinned up at Devon as he shook his head at her.