"I know," she whispered. "You're more stable now that I'm a vampire; you're frightened but more stable."

"You're mine Cassie."

"I am. I always have been though."

"It's different, you understand that now."

She did. She'd loved him as a human, she would have died for him as a human, but the bond was deeper now, the possession and driving urge to make sure he was safe was stronger than it ever had been before. Yes, she understood now what had been going on within Devon when he'd been so unstable around her before. She slid her fingers away from his mouth and kissed him again.

"I don't want to hurt anyone," she murmured against his lips.

"You won't."

"If I do..."

"We will cross that bridge then. For now, let's just get through every day, one day at a time."

He kissed her again and she found her concerns melting away as her fingers curled into the solid flesh of his chest and his hands slid over her skin.


The loud crash bolted Devon upright in bed. Cassie cried out as she shot up beside him and then continued to try and breathe as disorientation caused her to forget. He grabbed hold of her arms, moving her back as another loud crash rattled the building. "Easy Cassie, easy," he urged. "You aren't human anymore remember."

Her harsh wheezes eased somewhat as shouts erupted from the room next door. "Devon."

"Stay here!" he commanded as he flung back the blankets and leapt out of the bed. He grabbed his jeans off the floor and scrambled to pull them on as he ran toward the adjoining door. He thrust it open, but though the room wasn't in disarray, it was completely bare.

Devon bolted to the open door across the way in time to see Chris, Luther and Melissa running outside. Dani was on the floor beside her brother, but Patrick was nowhere to be seen. Devon couldn't see the damage that had been done to Joey, but the tantalizing scent of blood hung heavily in the air. Julian, Annabelle, and Liam were standing back from the doorway and the deadly rays that filtered in.

"You have to go after them!" Annabelle cried. "It was the Halflings!"

Devon cursed as he bolted out the door after Chris's retreating back. From the depths of the woods he could hear the frightened shrieks of Patrick as he was led further into the shadows of the forest. Drawing on Cassie's blood, Devon poured on the speed, catching up and surpassing the other three as he honed in on his prey.

He grabbed hold of the first Halfling and jerked it back. Picking it up, he heaved the miserable creature against a tree. The sickening crack of bone echoed through the trees, but the creature was still alive as it slumped to the ground and tried to stumble back to its feet. He ignored it though as he rushed forward to take down the other one. He knew, even before he saw it chewing on Patrick's flesh that the man was not going to survive. He felt no remorse over it; in fact he felt more remorse about pulling the Halfling off of him and ripping his heart out of his chest.

The creature's mouth parted in surprise and then tears sprang forth in its eyes. "Thank you."

Devon dropped the heart, disgusted with himself and this hideous situation. "Look out!"

Devon jumped and nearly toppled over as Cassie's voice rang through the forest. He spun around as the other Halfling came at him with a hideous shriek and a severe limp. Over the creature's shoulder he spotted Cassie standing amongst the trees, but he didn't have time to ponder it as he grabbed the final Halfling and drove it into the ground. He twisted its head to the side and swiftly freed it from its neck.

He looked up as Chris and Melissa skidded to a halt behind Cassie. Luther caught up a few seconds later and took a startled step back. Devon could only sit there and gape at her as she took a small step forward. It wasn't till part of her arm disappeared within a tree that he realized it wasn't really her, but a mental version of herself.

"Zane," he whispered.

"Apparently it's not as strong now, or maybe it's because Zane's not near, but I can't touch anything," she said.

"Still freaky." Chris looked as if he'd just swallowed a mouthful of lemon juice as he took a step away from her. Cassie frowned and stuck her tongue out at him. "Just don't do that while I'm in the shower."

"You wish," she retorted.

Chris forced a smile and they both reluctantly turned to look back at Patrick's struggling form. Even though it wasn't truly her, Cassie's eyes burned that hideous red as she caught sight of the mutilation that had been done to the man. The ghostlike version of her crept closer as Devon turned back toward the man bleeding out on the ground. The Halfling had torn at his throat instead of simply sinking into it. Blood stained the ground, but there was still a chance Devon could save him. He wasn't going to take that chance. It had only been a matter of time before Patrick would have to die, and he wasn't going to prolong the inevitable.

"Turn away," he ordered briskly.

Patrick began to thrash around on the ground. Strange sounds gurgled out of his throat as Devon knelt at his side. Though the smell of the blood was enticing and the demon inside of him was excited by it, the last thing he desired was one drop of this man's blood in his system. Patrick strained against him as he placed his hand over his mouth and nose, Patrick's hands fumbled at his arm, but he was already weak and his efforts were futile.

When he was certain the man was dead, Devon removed his hand from his mouth and rose to his feet. He turned to find Cassie's apparition behind his shoulder, she stretched an arm out for him and disappeared from view. Devon didn't look at the others but fled back toward the motel. The last look in her eyes, one of need and hunger, drove him faster than he had ever thought possible.

He slipped into the room to find Dani crying in the corner as Annabelle worked over her brother. Julian was standing in the doorway of the other room, his arms wrapped around Cassie's waist to hold her back. Her eyes were still red as she lifted her head to meet his gaze.

Julian released her and stepped further into the shadows. Cassie let out a soft cry and ran into his arms. His hand entangled in her hair, he lifted her against him and walked her out of the room. He had to get her away from the blood before she snapped. Julian grabbed an armload of blood from a refrigerator in the middle room and followed them. Devon kicked the door shut on the others. He could sense an unraveling in Cassie that she wouldn't wish for the others to see as she seized hold of the first bag of blood and downed it eagerly.


"I like this town better," Melissa murmured.

Cassie agreed as they drove through the store lined streets with their warmly lit windows, some already sporting Christmas decorations. People moved about the streets, filtering in and out of restaurants and bars as their breath trailed in plumes through the air.