He hurried in after her and slammed the door closed against the detrimental rays. The tinted windows had been specifically designed for Annabelle and Liam, but he was still hesitant to expose any of her skin. She, however, was not. Almost instantly she was tugging off her mittens and pulling the glasses from her face. He tried to stop her but it was already too late.

Her hands didn't burn but she blinked rapidly against the daylight before slipping the glasses back on. He could feel her frustration, sense her need to not be so crippled by something, but her vision had always been sensitive to the light. It would be overly so in her new state. Her hand slid into his and grasped it firmly.

"Are you ok?" Chris had turned in the driver's seat, his arm rested across the back of Melissa's seat.

"Yes," Cassie answered.

Chris's sapphire eyes were thoughtful, his sandy blond hair in disarray as he studied her. His mouth was pinched and there were fine lines around the corners of his mouth. When Devon had first met Chris he'd been mature for his age, but he had retained a relative innocence about him that had been surprising considering the events of his, Cassie, and Melissa's lives. That innocence didn't exist in him anymore and the events of the past few weeks seemed to have aged him ten years.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Cassie's forehead furrowed. "Are you picking something up from me?"

"Of course, you're radiating confusion and power like a damn nuclear plant." Even Devon's eyebrows shot up at that comparison. "But that's not why I'm asking. I'm asking because this is the first time it's just been the four of us, and I want to know how you're doing."

A small smile flitted over her full mouth. Leaning forward, she seized hold of Chris's hand, apparently unconcerned about absorbing his ability of picking up on what people were like and what they were feeling. "I'm ok, I really am. A little disoriented but that will ease with time."

Chris squeezed her hand before turning back around. Melissa remained unmoving, her onyx eyes questioning as she studied Cassie and Devon. Her long black hair hung over her shoulder in a French braid. Due to her premonitions Melissa had always appeared older, now there were also dark shadows under her eyes that aged her further.

Chris shifted into reverse and turned around in the street to avoid the large gully Robert had created in the road. Cassie's hand slid back into his as she turned toward the window. He was curious about her ability, curious to see what she could do, and how much she could control it, but he wasn't going to push it until she was more certain of herself. He was unwilling to do anything that might push her in the direction of Matthew's vision.

Chris turned off the main road and began to make his way through the side roads of the small town. It was unbelievably hushed, not even a bird chirped in the trees. Nothing stirred amongst the shadowed woods as all the animals had been hunted or chased off by the Halflings roaming them.

They examined the houses as they unhurriedly drove by, but most of them still had cars parked in the driveway, and Melissa refused to go anywhere near those homes. She'd been hesitant to enter anywhere since the premonition she'd received about what awaited them in the motel.

Cassie sat up in the seat and knocked some of the blankets from her. Devon went to fix them, but she waved him away as she grabbed hold of the back of Chris's seat. "What is it?" Devon asked.

"It's just so awful, all of it," she whispered. "It's a modern day ghost town. We have to find somewhere to stay, and we have to take care of those Halflings so we can get out of here."

"We're working on it Cass," Chris said. "But The Elders..."

"We have time before they come back for me."

Devon glanced at her, not at all missing the fact that she said they would be coming back for her. "What do you mean back for you?"

She turned toward him, her expression blank, and her eyes hidden behind the glasses. "Zane wants my ability of course, whatever it may be. He has always wanted your ability, but he couldn't get to you. He thinks he might be able to take me because of my youth, and if he can take me then he knows he can also take you, and possibly Julian."

Devon was never going to allow that to happen, no matter what Zane thought he could do, and no matter what Cassie feared might happen. Zane would not take her; she would not become one of his pawns. As long as he lived he would defend her with his life, even if she was the catalyst that brought him to the end of his life.

"Zane will not survive if he tries," he vowed.

Cassie smiled wanly at him, but he saw no confidence behind that smile. "Zane also knows that if he takes you or anyone else, then he also has me. We have to be prepared Devon."

"We will be Cassie, I promise."

"I have to learn more about what it is that I can do, no matter how much it scares you, all of you."

"I never said that it scared me Cassie," he replied instantly.

"You've never lied to me before Devon; omitted things yes, but never lied. Don't start now."

He was acutely aware of Melissa and Chris watching him in the mirrors. He could sense that they were riveted upon the conversation; so riveted that they were barely breathing. Cassie had possessed Julian's ability, she would have seen part of his thoughts and feelings, and though he wished to deny it he knew that he couldn't.

"Yes, I am scared of what might happen, but not of you Cassie. Never of you."

For the first time since she'd awakened, she gave him a real, honest to goodness smile. "No, never of me," she agreed.

"Stop here Chris," Melissa ordered.

Devon's attention was drawn back to the town. Melissa had instructed Chris to stop in front of a small farm house. Behind it was a large snow covered field, but unlike the other homes on the road there were no cars in the drive, and no garage. The lights were off and the curtains were open.

"Melissa?" Chris inquired.

"It's the only one that doesn't frighten me," she replied.

Cassie's smile faded as she studied the house. "We should check it out."

"I think you should stay in the car." Devon was unwilling to expose her to the deadly rays of the sun anymore than she had to be.

She opened her mouth to argue, but something on his face must have silenced her as she nodded her agreement. "Ok."

Relief filled him as he leaned over and kissed her. He relished in the feel of her supple lips against his as he slid his hand across her cheek. There was a moment where she didn't trust herself and then she melted against him. Her mouth parted for his invasion and she welcomed him eagerly as her fingers curled into his back and she lost herself to him. Devon tugged the blanket back from her face in order to curl his hands into her thick, silken hair.