"Yes," Julian agreed.

She managed a wan smile for him as her eyes warmed. "Maybe one day..." her voice trailed off as she looked longingly back out the window. Then she shrugged absently before turning her attention to Devon and the others. "Or not."

"Will The Elders come back tonight?" Melissa asked.

Devon shook his head as he pulled Cassie further away from the window. "No, they will regroup and try to get control again. They just lost three powerful members, they're unsure of Cassie but Zane will seek revenge for those losses. They will come after us again, but not tonight, not until they're ready for us."

"How can you be sure?" Luther asked.

"I just am. Zane's not stupid, he wishes us dead, but he won't risk losing any more."

"What about the Halflings?" Chris asked.

"I don't know," Devon told him.

"There aren't many left, we can handle them. It's just a matter of finding them," Julian murmured. He placed a finger against his chin as he rocked back on his heels and studied the shadowed interior of the store. "I don't think they'll fall for a trap again, we are probably going to have to hunt them down."

"I don't know about you guys, but I would really like a shower. A real shower, instead of a sponge bath in a sink," Chris muttered.

"I have to agree," Annabelle said.

"The hotel..."

"No!" Melissa interrupted briskly. "I am not going back there!"

"Ok, ok," Luther soothed. "There are houses in this town."

"We don't know what's in any of them!"

"I'll look through them," Devon volunteered.

"Not by yourself," Cassie interjected.

"I'll go with him," Chris volunteered.

"Why don't we wait a little bit," Luther suggested.

Cassie turned away from them and before he could stop her, she stuck her hand in front of the window again. "Cassie!" he hissed and pulled her back a step.

She shook her head and twisted her hand before her as she studied her burnt flesh. He watched as the burns began to heal themselves. "Sorry." Devon held her hand in his and caressed it. "I'm going with you to look for a new place."

"Absolutely not."

"Maybe if I expose myself to it also..."

"No, you are having an especially strong reaction to the sun. I don't know if it's because you were a Hunter, if it's because you were changed by Elders, or if it's because you are more powerful than most new vampires. In most vampires the power increases with age, but yours seems to be accelerated. In fact, your powers seem to rival that of The Elders. No matter what has caused it though, you shouldn't be exposed to the sun."

Her golden hair cascaded around her shoulders as she shook her head forcefully. "I'll be fine. I'll bundle up and keep myself protected from it."

"It's not that easy Cass..."

"I've seen Annabelle do it. If I just run to the car, once I get inside I'll be fine."


"I can't stay in this store anymore Devon!" She broke off as she visibly tried to gain control of herself. He didn't know if it was the newness of the change, the vast quantities of energy that were running through her, or the whole uncertainty of their situation, but she seemed more volatile and unstable. He hated to admit it, even if it was only to himself, but he was terrified of this whole situation, and terrified that even after all of this he would still lose her in the end. "Please don't make me stay here anymore. Too many awful things have happened here."

Julian dropped his head into his hand and shook it. Devon hated the idea of her out there but he'd told her he'd never leave her behind again, and he'd meant it. "Fine," he relented.

It was a bad idea, he knew it, but when she grinned at him and wrapped her arms around his waist, he found himself not caring. His fingers threaded through her hair as he pressed her close to his chest and took solace in the fact that he was holding her again.

Chris, Dani, and Luther went out to get the car while he helped Julian and Annabelle bundle Cassie up. He was halfway through wrapping a blanket around her when he realized that she was going out of her way to avoid Julian's touch. He paused, frowning at her as she closed her eyes and winced away from Julian.

He was about to ask her what was wrong, she'd never avoided Julian's touch before, when Julian subtly shook his head at him. There was a deep sadness in his ice blue eyes as he turned his attention back to Cassie, careful not to touch her as he moved.

Julian draped the blanket over her head and adjusted it so that her face was still exposed, but could be easily covered when the time arose. Devon stepped away and folded his arms over his chest as he studied the mummified version of Cassie. There was so much material draped over her that she looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Devon would have found that amusing, but he was beginning to realize there was no amusement in this situation.

Julian turned to walk away but Cassie moved surprisingly fast for someone that could barely lower her arms. Julian jumped slightly as she grasped hold of his hands. "I'm sorry, I know you understand. I'm sorry."

She released Julian almost as quickly as she grabbed him. Pain twisted her features before she seized hold of Devon's hands. "What is wrong?" he demanded.

She trembled as she clung to him. "There are some images that are better left unseen," Julian's voice was a bare whisper as he stared at her bowed head.

Devon fought the urge to rip his hands away from her as understanding filled him. There were so many things that he never wanted her to see about him, but it was already too late. Julian's ability of psychometry could be useful, yet overwhelming, dangerous, and heartbreaking. Julian briefly met Devon's gaze before turning and disappearing into the shadows of the store. A single tear fell onto Cassie's hand as she stepped closer to him.

The door opened and Dani and Luther reappeared. "Chris is waiting for you," Luther informed them.

Cassie nodded, but before she could hurry forward Devon grabbed hold of her arm. "You'll go out with me," he ordered gruffly.

She hesitated before nodding her agreement. Melissa slipped out the door ahead of them, and hurried toward the SUV idling by the curb. Cassie pulled the blankets over her face, before slipping on a pair of thick, oversized sunglasses. He helped her to slide on a pair of mittens and checked her carefully over to make sure that no skin was exposed.

"We're going to do this quickly."

She nodded her agreement. Wrapping his arm around her, he waited till Melissa had the back door of the Cadillac open before he scooped Cassie up in his arms. She was wearing too many layers to be able to make the run fleetly or safely. She burrowed against him, keeping her face against his chest as he bolted into the warmth. He practically threw her inside the vehicle in his rush to get her to safety.