Zane's face twisted in fury, but he didn't come after Cassie again as he whirled away. Cassie lurched back to her feet. She was acutely aware of the fact that it was Matthew's power running through her. It was a handy power to have but it did little to help her against a group of Elder vampires that all had abilities that could physically manifest to destroy her.

Zane and Robert stood behind the giant hole that Robert had created to try and kill her, before he'd actually stabbed her. Cassie glanced down at her shredded, blood stained shirt. Uneasiness twisted in her stomach, her hands instinctively drifted to the place where she'd been stabbed. The place where her blood had run swiftly from her and her life had been extinguished. The cut was healed now, but she could clearly recall the feel of her life pouring from her and the distress that had engulfed her. She was consumed with what it had felt like to die.


She lifted her head and tried to blink Devon into focus as she fully realized that she had died. That she was no longer breathing, that she could no longer feel her heart beating in her chest. Panic shot through her, terror consumed her as she staggered backward. She nearly tripped over her own feet as strange noises escaped her.

"Cassie!" Devon grabbed hold of her as Zane and Robert charged at them. Devon enfolded her as he turned her away from them. But they didn't come back at the two of them, instead they blurred as they split off at the last second. Zane seized hold of Anastasia and dragged her with him for a few steps. She remained wooden in his grasp, her feet immobile and her face still blank as Devon kept control of her mind. Zane grimaced as he released her and fled into the woods with his minions. Anastasia remained at the edge of the woods, staring blankly into the forest.

"What? Why?" Cassie panted as The Elders disappeared amongst the trees. Cassie was baffled by their sudden retreat, they might not understand what she was, but the odds were still in their favor, still on their side. "Dev..."

She didn't get his name out of her mouth before a searing pain shredded her back. A scream boiled up her throat, but came out only as an awful gurgling noise that barely escaped her. She felt as if her skin was being seared off of her back. Agony tore through her as her legs gave out; the smell of smoke hit her at the same time that a scream finally tore from her throat.

Devon cursed loudly, and swung her easily into his arms as he began to run. Cassie slumped against him, too engulfed in agony to attempt to escape from it. Devon ate up the ground toward the store in rapid strides that barely jostled her. Over Devon's shoulder she spotted Matthew unsteadily climbing back to his feet. His back was flayed open and blood covered him as he staggered toward the woods and fell over again. She attempted to shout at him to run, but the words choked in her throat as he crawled out of sight.

A loud wail filled the air. Over Devon's shoulder she spotted Anastasia still standing by the woods as the first rays of the sun hit her. Though she continued to scream, she didn't move as the sun turned her body to ash.

Cassie's head tipped back against Devon's shoulder as coolness suddenly embraced her. She was immediately enveloped by dismay and grief as she realized that the awful torment she'd felt on her back had come from the rays of the sun.


Devon stood by the window as he stared at the vibrant glow of the day. Cassie was still asleep, lying on her stomach on a roll of blankets that Luther had gathered. Devon, Melissa, and Chris had gathered snow from outside and packed it onto the burn marks that had marred her delicate skin. Julian, Liam, and Annabelle had managed to flee to safety before the sun hit them, but he stupidly hadn't realized that Cassie would also have to escape the sun now.

He should have known better, she never should have been injured; her life never should have been in jeopardy. There were only two vampires that could withstand the daylight, himself and Zane. He should have gotten her to safety before the sun burned her so badly, but he still couldn't quite fathom the fact that she was a vampire. That she was with him from here on out, that she was his for eternity.

Or she would have been anyway, if things had gone right. But things hadn't gone right. He knew that, he could see it as clearly as the rest of them could. It was far more than just her eyes that were wrong and different. It was her. He just didn't know how fundamentally different she was, yet.

Devon moved away from the window as she stirred. Everyone's attention instantly turned to her, no one moved, no one even breathed. Devon knelt by her side and touched her shoulder carefully. Though her skin was still red, the welts and deep burn marks were already healed. Devon had slipped a flannel shirt onto her backwards so that if she sat up suddenly she would be covered, but her back was clear of all clothing.

She stirred again and a small moan escaped her. "Cassie." He brushed her hair back from her face and shoulders.

She turned toward him and her eyes opened slowly. His mouth parted, relief and joy filled him as her eyes met his; they were slightly unfocused but they finally settled upon him. He was unable to find words as he gazed into those beautiful eyes. The startling azure color, the one that reminded him of a perfect summer day was back. The deep amethyst flecks that were speckled through them shone brilliantly in the shadows of the store room.

"Cassie," he whispered.

She smiled sleepily up at him as her delicate hand curled around his. "What happened?"

Devon swallowed heavily as he wrapped both of his hands around hers. "The sun."

Her delicate brow furrowed in confusion. "The sun?"

"Yes love, the sun."

Realization dawned in her spectacular eyes as tears bloomed within them. "I see."


She shook her head as she rapidly blinked back her tears. "It's ok. It's ok."

Before he could stop her, she braced her arms beneath her and shoved herself up. Devon grasped hold of the edges of her shirt, careful to avoid the burns that still marred her skin as he held it in place. Though he knew that she was probably one of the most powerful beings he'd ever encountered, he was struck by how fragile and lost she appeared now.


"I'm fine, really."

"Let me help you."

He held the shirt and grasped hold of her arm as he helped her to her feet. She shuffled to the bathroom and disappeared inside. He waited impatiently by the door, his arms folded over his chest as he listened to the sound of running water. Julian appeared amongst the rows of shelves, some of which had been toppled over and destroyed. Their contents had scattered across the store and created a rattling symphony sometimes when people walked.