Page 57 of The Beautiful Mess

“You’re my person too. The night I met you, I came alive in ways I never dreamed possible. I wasn’t ready for you—for us—then, and I’m still going to struggle with my insecurities for a while. Maybe a lifetime. But I want you to know something before you go into the deposition.” He paused and cycled through some shaky breaths, but his hazel gaze never wavered. Kerry couldn’t recall a time when Keegan had looked so certain.

“And you don’t have to say it back now, or even ever,” Keegan rushed to add. “You’ve demonstrated what I mean to you, and that’s more important to me.” His words came faster, breathier, and Kerry’s heart raced in anticipation. “I love you. I don’t care what anyone says about you in that deposition. You are the best man I’ve ever known. I know this sounds soon and maybe a little desperate. We’ve only really dated for a month, but—”

Kerry cut him off with a kiss that went from tender to fierce in a heartbeat. When he pulled back, tears trailed down Keegan’s cheeks, and he fully understood what it cost to put himself out there. “I love you, Kee. Other people’s opinions and timelines don’t matter. The ones who love us the most have been encouraging our relationship for a while now.”

Keegan smiled through a laugh. “They didn’t bother with subtlety.”

“It’s not the Hart way.”

The knock came back, more persistent this time. Kerry whipped around and found Seth and Rueben standing on the other side. Beyond them were Rick, Debbie, Sven, and Dom. Kerry sought his mother through the crowd, and she just shrugged when he found her.

“Looks like the cavalry has arrived,” Keegan teased.

Kerry looked at him with a raised brow. “Did you know about this?”

Shaking his head, Keegan said, “No one told me they were coming, but are you really surprised?” He gestured to Kerry’s family. “Show up and show out. That’s the Hart way, and you’re so lucky to have them.”

“Weare so lucky to have them.” Kerry sighed and reached for his door handle. “Might as well greet the crowd and head into the deposition.” It didn’t feel like heading to the gallows, though he could think of a hundred different things he’d rather do. He stepped out of the truck and into a swarm of hugs from his loving family.

“Let’s head on in,” Steven told the gathering.

They looked like a small army as they entered the lawyer’s office. The receptionist looked up from her task, and her dark blue eyes widened. “Um, can I help you?”

“I’m Kerry Hart, and I’m here for a deposition.” He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. “And this is my support system.”

She recovered quickly and introduced herself as Mabel. “And is your attorney among them?”

“He’s not here yet,” Kerry told her.

“I’m afraid we don’t have seats for everyone, but I can probably bring some out of a conference room.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Lucinda said kindly. “There are plenty of shops to check out while we wait.”

“I could use a good cup of coffee,” Rick said. “Can you recommend a coffeehouse nearby?”

Mabel gave him directions to the place she visited every afternoon. The Kerry Hart Fan Club wished him luck and filed out the door, leaving only the president behind to wait with him. “Can I get either of you something to drink?” Mabel asked.

“I’m fine,” Kerry said before checking with Keegan.

“Nothing for me either.”

They settled into gray chairs in the waiting room, and Keegan reached for a magazine. Kerry knew he wouldn’t be able to concentrate and let his gaze wander to the artwork hanging on the walls. He wasn’t aware his knees were bouncing until Keegan’s hand landed on his thigh. Keegan’s warm gaze brought him immediate peace. Movement at the entrance pulled Kerry’s attention, and he stood up as Vinny walked through the door. His attorney was dressed to kill in a navy three-piece suit and polished dark brown dress shoes that matched his leather briefcase. Kerry shook Vinny’s hand and introduced him to Keegan.

“Steven has said so many wonderful things about you, Keegan,” Vinny said when they shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Keegan said.

“Is this your attorney?” Mabel asked.

Vinny spun and introduced himself. The receptionist’s eyes widened with recognition. “Will you let Mr. Ryker know we’re ready to go, please?”

“Absolutely.” Mabel picked up her phone and talked quietly into the receiver, darting a glance in Vinny’s direction every few seconds. She hung up the phone and stood up. “I’ll show you to the conference room.”

Keegan stood up and hugged Kerry. “See you soon,” he said. “Then we can put this whole mess behind us.”

Kerry gave him an extra squeeze before he stepped back. “You can always track down my mom and Debbie.”

“This is where I’m needed.” Keegan resumed his seat and picked up the magazine he’d abandoned.