Keegan leaned close and said, “Personal injury waivers on a first date. Man, you sure know how to show a fella a good time.”
Kerry placed his hand on the small of Keegan’s back. “Wait until you see the waiver waiting for you back at my place.”
Keegan stiffened, and Kerry wasn’t sure if it was his hand placement or his reference to potentially rough sex. He was about to withdraw his hand and apologize, but Keegan smiled up at him. “This night just keeps getting better.” He stopped and spun around to face Kerry. “Sorry I tensed. I’m not used to PDA, but I like it.”
“Me too.”
Keegan rose on his tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his mouth.
“I like it a lot,” Kerry amended.
Keegan laughed, took him by the hand, and led him to find Karen. She waited patiently for them around the corner. Each range looked like a fancy horse’s stall but without the bedding on the floor. The targets were set up on the rear wall, and stagecoach lights provided the perfect amount of illumination without ruining the Western vibe. Old-timey wanted posters hung on the walls, and other decor like whiskey barrels filled the space. The rules they’d just agreed to also hung on the wall as a reminder. Karen demonstrated the proper axe-throwing technique and posture. She struck the target at dead center of the bullseye.
“Wow,” Keegan said. “You must practice a lot.”
Karen smiled and shrugged. “It was just a really lucky throw.”
Kerry doubted that very much.
“I’ll work with both of you to make sure you’re comfortable before I leave you to it,” Karen said. “Who wants to go first?”
“He does,” Keegan said, pointing at Kerry.
“I will,” Kerry agreed.
It looked much easier than it really was. Kerry focused on his footing and balance first before bringing the axe over his head with both hands. He went through the motion without releasing the axe once before he let it fly. The weapon soared through the air, smacked into the target, and fell to the floor.
“You’ve got brute strength on your side,” Karen said. “You’d knock an enemy out cold with that blow. You might want to take a little off the velocity and work on the finesse part.” She waved a hand for Keegan to join her. “Let me show you what I mean.”
She directed Keegan’s movements with his steps, the pull back and the release of the axe. His throw struck the target but at the farthest ring from the bullseye, though you’d never know by his jubilant celebration.
“I did it!” Keegan cheered before leaping into Kerry’s arms.
His joy was contagious, and Kerry caught him up in a hug. “You sure did. That was a solid throw.”
Keegan sobered a little and considered him. “You’re not about to turn this into another Hart family card night, are you?”
“No,” Kerry said defensively.
“That’s where I know you from!” Karen said, pointing at him. “I saw you on the news when you rescued the truck driver on the bridge.”
Kerry scratched behind his ear. “Yeah, that was me.”
“You were very brave,” Karen told him. Her expression grew serious, and she glanced between Keegan and Kerry with narrowed eyes. “What happens at the Hart family card nights?”
“Nothing,” Kerry replied.
Keegan snorted and leaned toward Karen. “It’s a testosterone-filled night of chest thumping and silliness.” Realizing what he said, Keegan added, “No one gets intoxicated, stupid, or violent. There’s just a lot of teasing.”
Karen nodded. “Teasing is good.” She gestured for Kerry. “Come on over here, and let me see if I can help you hone your skill a little better.”
“She means land the axeinthe target,” Keegan teased as he stepped aside. His hazel eyes looked more brown than green in the stagecoach lighting, and they glittered with a challenge.
“Big talk for a guy who barely stuck the landing.”
“This isn’t gymnastics,” Keegan quipped. “And I’ll take barely over nada anytime.” He swept his arms to the range. “Let’s see what you’ve got, big guy.”
Karen grimaced. “Strong man, sharp weapon.”